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Sat, 21 Dec 2024 13:56:49 -0800
marlon from
private IP, post #15503734
peeing in bottles
been doing it for decades, Ocean Spray gallon plastic jugs last forever.
sitting in my sister's car sipping a beer today at the grocery store, had to
pee, looked for a bottle to pee in, or else a long walk to restroom, & found a
empty milk jug in the trunk, didn't notice it was ruptured, so all my pee ended
up on the floor of the car. what kind of psychopath keeps around a bottle full
of holes? stupid bitch
Sat, 21 Dec 2024 21:03:31 -0800
from private IP
Reply #18232695 that’s weird. maybe she knew
you would do it and wanted to play a joke. there are cheap urinals on amazon.
walmart may have it even cheaper.
Sun, 22 Dec 2024 19:22:38 -0800
whiteguyinchina from private IP
Reply #16890557 It's not a good habit my friend
Tue, 24 Dec 2024 13:38:51 -0800
from private IP
Reply #19024346 I sometimes piss into empty Diet
Coke bottles while on road trips.
Tue, 24 Dec 2024 13:48:09 -0800
marlon from
private IP
Reply #17927053 my very first time was so scary,
when i was a truck driver back in 2007, peeing in bottles became a thing, but it
was against the rules, so i hid my pee bottle in my bag. Once my trainer asked
me if i was peeing in bottles, i lied & said no. when i put my dick into that
bottle, nobody told me about the air pressure, u gotta pull out to burp it, my
trainer was driving at the time & i was in my bed, held my pee so long, then i
said fuck it & got my gallon jug, it still had spring water in it, i paid good
$$ for that, but it was all i had.
Tue, 24 Dec 2024 14:04:29 -0800
marlon from
private IP
Reply #17085033 my second trainer was a jerk, he
told me to hold it as our next stop was thirty miles away. he was a fat white
ex-military dude who told me he hated people.
my first trainer was a young Russian, Maximillian Federov was his name, total
potty mouth, every other word he uttered was fuck or bitch. He had many cell
'phones going, always yakking away in Russian. We almost died when i rolled
down a hill in West Virginia in top gear, we were going 85 MPH w/ fully loaded.
my third trainer was a young Nigerian, he was fucking black women every place, a
pair of panties was laying n my bed, so glad i work from home now, but at least
i got to go to the West Coast, twice.
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