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Sat, 28 Dec 2024 05:17:19 -0800

whiteguyinchina from private IP, post #13448277 /all Cracks appear in Maga world over foreign worker visas https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/clyv7gxp02yo.amp Taking aim at American culture, Ramaswamy originally wrote: "A culture that celebrates the prom queen over the math olympiad champ, or the jock over the valedictorian [the top student in a class], will not produce the best engineers." I love how the article had to explain what a valedictorian was lol Sat, 28 Dec 2024 08:16:42 -0800
zerosugar from private IP Reply #17488762 Ok here is the thing and I say this as somebody who is definitely not a leftist, Americans needs to realize that fiscal conservatives are largely hypocrites. They have no problem spending money on the wealthy, wars, etc. The only exception to this rule may be somebody like Ron Paul who is against wars. Not defending Ron’s economic policies because they would ultimately lead to chaos, but at least he isn’t an hypocrite in that regard. All the same, the immigration situation is yet another example of their hypocrisy. They want foreign workers because they can pay them cheaper, even higher skilled workers. These workers of course will make more money here than they ever made at home. Also, these workers who were educated abroad in countries where educated abroad where education is very cheap or sometimes even close to free. Hence, these politicians and billionaires don’t have to worry about supporting student loan forgiveness. Maga is not make America Great Again. When Joe Biden wanted to pass a policy that helped millions of Americans in the form of student loan forgiveness, the Republican appointed judges and Missouri AG destroyed that. They of course don’t speak or do nothing when money goes to help many non Americans. Maga have vilified undocumented immigrants, but the reality is legal immigration hurts the American just as much, if not more than undocumented immigration. Sure, there is usually not a chance legal immigrants will commit crimes as they are vetted. However, legal immigrants take American jobs more than the illegal do. In fact, illegals take almost no jobs Americans will do. Racists worried about illegals changing demographics should also be more worried about legal immigration forever changing demographics. Anyway, screw Republicans too. They want the American middle class to be proles and not become educated and be either plumbers or Wal Mart greeters because they don’t want education to be affordable and/or to help those who were educated out with student loan forgiveness. Now, they want to import a bunch of people who were educated for free or close to free. America will become a cast system if you listen to Donald Trump, a country where only the Don Jrs and Ivankas have a chance at education and everybody else has to do manual labor while skilled professionals will be imported. Musk just thinks about his company. I still am sort of happy Kamala lost when I see her Kwanzaa posts. What a joke. I’m not even a racist, but that holiday is BS. It is celebrated by almost nobody, less than 2 percent of Black people. It was created by some criminal who abused a woman who was an atheist who just wanted a holiday to compete with Christmas and was so extreme he said Christmas is the white man’s holiday. This guy who invented Kwanzaa was so racist, he wasn’t much better than the white supremacists who claim Christianity is the Semite man’s religion. Hilariously, if Kwanzaa is celebrated by almost nobody now, imagine in the 1960s and 1970s when Kamala Harris was a little girl. She claims she grew up celebrating it. LMFAO. Although it was invented in 1966, people didn’t even really start to talk about it until the 1990s. Her Kwanzaa post shows how out of touch she was! The only point in voting for her is if you want to see more of that virtue signaling. Otherwise, the saddest thing is she also wouldn’t have gotten Americans healthcare or a public option, she wouldn’t have done anything to get student loans forgiven too unless you fit into some narrow category like being a full time public servant for ten years or having gone to some scam college. Americans who aren’t billionaires like Musk and Bezos or at least multimillionaires like the United Healthcare Ceo have nobody on their side. Sat, 28 Dec 2024 08:24:25 -0800
zerosugar from private IP Reply #10197528 Kamala would have bought foreign workers too or shipped American jobs abroad. The Democrats now attract wealthy people from places like Vermont who enjoy virtue signaling so they think they can win elections with minority votes alone along with upper one percent far left whites who enjoy virtue signaling. Let’s face it, their constituents are no longer poor white men or union whites (aside from leftist teachers unions) for a very good reason. They have don’t nothing for poor Americans economically too. They just vilify them. I’m also not here at all to promote replacement theory conspiracies or to spread any sort of white nationalist ideas. There is ultimately no place for me in white nationalist spaces. They are now an echo chamber spreading just as much hate against Italians, Andalusians, and Turks that they spread against Jews. Their conversations about who is white show their real face. They are Nordicists who brag about their western hunter gatherer dna. I hate to tell them without early european farmers and anatolian dna and specifically j2 haplogroup from anatolia, europe would be a bunch of savages cave men. I say this as somebody whose father isn’t j2, but a member of e-v13. anyway, i’m going too off topic now. I hate white nationalists too. Their hate hasn’t stopped at blacks, Jews, or Mexicans. They will now hate anybody who is not their ever changing idea of white. Sat, 28 Dec 2024 08:34:22 -0800
zerosugar from private IP Reply #13947622 I can also argue that America is at a point where it no longer needs immigration not even “highly skilled” immigration. I also say this as somebody whose mom is an immigrant. With that being said, my mom’s dad was a citizen who was born here but went to Italy as a small child after his mom decided to go back. He was raised in Italy his entire life. My mom technically should have already been an American citizen as my grandfather should have probably registered his children with the American embassy but who knows how hard that was years ago. My mom had to go through the process of becoming American in 1986. All the same, this is no longer a developing country or a country with wide open spaces so why do we need immigrants even legal ones? The only people who need them are the rich who want to save money on labor including high skilled labor. Up until the 1960s or 1970s and maybe even into the 1990s, perhaps the argument could have been made for more immigrants, today it’s not necessary though except in very limited circumstances, i.e. the Japanese business man who comes here to start a company that will employ thousands of Americans. Do we need tech workers or foreign doctors though? No, we should be employing Amricans and making education affordable for Americans and promoting Stem starting in high schools. We have enough people in this country to do so. Sat, 28 Dec 2024 08:49:00 -0800
zerosugar from private IP Reply #16496920 lol hate to rant with another comment, but to make it short, I guess maga can still be confident in electing Trump because Kamala would have done mostly the same things plus virtue signaling. The only plus now is that Trump’s victory forces the Democrats to return to the bread and butter issues that help the average American rather than white upper class Vermont virtue signaling which includes making posts about Kwanzaa. Some dude wrote online that nobody celebrates Kwanzaa, but it’s the one time of year that wealthy leftist whites feel the need to give people wished for it. Also when people talk about immigration, they talk about assimilation. I think assimilation is bullshit in many regards. First, it destroys two cultures. It destroys the culture of the immigrant by watering it down and pushing forth the racist theory that the immigrant should become American. What does becoming American ultimately mean? Becoming anglicized? I don’t care if somebody wants to act American or speak English as long as they don’t bother me. Then at the same time, if you have nonstop immigration from one country even if it’s a wealthy country and/or even if the workers are high skilled workers, you still change the demographics of a country forever. Benjamin Franklin was a racist when he worried about Germans changing Pennsylvania, but ultimately they did forever alter Pennsylvania as other diasporas forever altered other states. Franklin of course was getting anxious about other people who were European and from Christian backgrounds just like him even if they weren’t Anglo, but imagine if you are a racist today. Almost all immigration to America today including high skilled is not from Europe. Sat, 28 Dec 2024 09:31:16 -0800
Andy from private IP Reply #14904386 I think I'm not alone in saying that nobody gives a shit about Kwanzaa. I freaking hate virtue signaling, as I'd rather just be the real me. Sat, 28 Dec 2024 10:14:34 -0800
marlon from private IP Reply #19317954 virtue signaling, i see it a lot amongst poor or working class white people. seems they are worried about looking like bigots. Their daughters mix w/ other races, absorb black culture. Saw an old hag at the grocery store in Flint, MI tell a chubby black single mother that she "looks beautiful today." She ignored her & kept loading her groceries, it was weird also because I was standing a few feet away next to be bike, just had to take a break after a long ride, so they both noticed me not saying anything, was I supposed to? An average white dude is expected to kiss her fat black feminist ass, i know. Maybe an attempt to shame me? An old boss of mine once hired a young man from Libya, i could never understand a word he said, just being honest here, they paid him $100k/yr. Sat, 28 Dec 2024 21:57:44 -0800
zerosugar from private IP Reply #18606466 I have witnessed old white people do that too. Sometimes it seems like they talk to black people and like they are children. Then again, the young people are pathetic too sometimes with all that woke culture. When I was in law school, there was this black girl who said some pretty ridiculous things in class. If I said such stuff I would be laughed at. Once just for asking a professor to clarify, I was snickered at. All the same, one day I noticed a group of athletic white men flirting with this girl who was also fat. They were telling her she was going to be a Scotus judge one day. LMFAO! Like big chance of that if you aren’t graduating from some t14. There was this other half black woman who was former corrections officer and a huge hard ass who thought her career as a cop made her capable of being an attorney. She wasn’t hot at all, but she had curly natural hair. Anyway, she always wore boots to class for some reason even in the spring and summer. One day, she was calling up to the board. Then this dorky white girl from Florida started heavily complimenting her to the guy sitting next to her telling him, “Look at how beautiful she is, when she gets up there with those boots she knows she is sexy.” She would never compliment another white chick like that regardless of how hot the girl was. Sat, 28 Dec 2024 22:31:31 -0800
zerosugar from private IP Reply #12448185 If you really want to laugh at virtue signaling, there are some pretty weird communities online that you cannot even engage in discussion with them without reading the craziest thing. I mean really CRAZY stuff. I noticed people really hate white dolls now. I do lots of crafts when I get some free time as a way to relax. I started sort of making props for anime characters and just crafts for the holidays to decorate using lots of stuff I find at the dollar stores, but then started restoring Barbies. Just buying them at thrift shops and repainting them into weird creations. Through some of the doll forums, I saw there was a big community for American girl dolls. I had an AG doll as a kid, but put her in storage years ago when my home was painted in my basement. All the same, I thought to find her, but my cousin likely stole her to sell at a flea market and buy drugs. He previously admitted to stealing a Heidi doll so I’ve been worried about everything else he hasn’t admitted to taking. It’s sad that we have to worry about an adult man stealing dolls from the basement. I hope I’m wrong though and she eventually comes up. Not to get off track, after discovering my AG doll was possibly gone, I started searching some of the vintage stores and managed to get some vintage dolls in good shape to restore and have to display for the holidays in all their nice outfits. I looked up some communities to get tips on buying and restoring dolls. I then noticed on all these crazy doll forums, there was so much racism directed at specific dolls. LOL! They act as if the doll is a human. There was one crazy Gen Z girl who made a video rating the American Girl dolls from favorite or least favorite. This content creator was white. Before watching her video, I suspected she would rate Addy who is a black doll and Josefina who is a Mexican doll high. I was right. Of course she rated Addy as a 10 and Josefina as a 9.5, both being her two favorites but not giving any reason why! There is also a blonde blue eyed doll Kirsten who is supposed to be Swedish and she seems to be the least favorite of so many crazy people. Now I am not blonde with blue eyes, but like Kirsten dolls anyway because they have really cool clothes that give winter wonderland princess vibes. Her St. Lucia dress is just beautiful and I bought it to display her on St. Lucia day with my Christmas decorations as it’s a pretty big holiday for Italians too. All the same, there is this gay Mexican guy who is an AG doll fan who makes videos about how much he dislikes Kirsten. It’s just so weird to hate a doll. The reality is he just hates her because she is blonde. People on the forums frequently call Kirsten boring and plain. Then there is a red head doll Felicity who is supposed to represent a colonial era girl and these people say Felicity is a racist doll and her family were slave owners. LOL! Others say because she is a redhead she looks like Chucky. It’s so hilarious honestly. Then, I noticed some white people will buy the newer AG dolls for their kids and there is a trend now of almost always buying white kids a non white doll to virtue signal. There is nothing wrong or racist with buying a child the doll that looks most like them. When I was a kid, I selected Samantha because I felt she looked the most like me having brown hair and brown eyes with fair skin. Mattel taking over the AG line in the early 00s made it so incredibly woke it’s funny to a certain extent. Happy I got to experience the downtown Chicago store in the late 90s before all that happened. Sun, 29 Dec 2024 13:32:36 -0800
whiteguyinchina from private IP Reply #18105816 I played with he man series when I was little and the characters were of varied colors. Also WWF toys which had different types of people. But I think it is a bit weird for girl dolls of that era to be only white blond chicks. Who the hell is barbie anyway. As a white man even i did not know such people. Convertibles little puppies fancy ass houses and a prep boyfriend. I was a nerd so never occupied those social circles. Sun, 29 Dec 2024 13:34:18 -0800
whiteguyinchina from private IP Reply #11420488 More my cup of tea as I was/am a loser https://lpcp.org/goth-barbie-gothic-barbie-mattel/
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