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Tue, 21 Jan 2025 05:45:25 -0800
Andy from private IP, post #18867272  
I've got to enable reading the archives, this is ridiculous.  Any other feature

Editing posts is the top request so far.  Anything else people want to see in
the near-term?  As the activity picks up, it's clear that just doing the top 100
posts is not going to cut it.  I need to enable a proper "read archives" feature
where EVERYTHING is listed.  I'm going to adjust it so you see the top 200
posts, and see what happens.  My goal is to have every page load in under 300
milliseconds, which is why I don't have that on the front page.

#Programming #Technology 

Tue, 21 Jan 2025 05:51:24 -0800
Andy from private IP
Reply #11423792   OK, I doubled the number of posts
that appear on the front page to 200, which are newer than 180 days.  Loading in
500 ms, which is not that bad.  I made the same change on Thunderdome.

Note that the search box currently has no preset limit, and will find
everything.  I'm continuing to work on improvements and optimizations.  This is
pretty good already considering that web application programming is my side gig.

Tue, 21 Jan 2025 05:55:23 -0800
Andy from private IP
Reply #11925051   That reminds me, I'm looking at
some of my code from last year, and damn: it's actually amazing.  I call this
system MOSAIC because it assembles the web pages from static components rather
than querying a database.  I should do more web applications like this.

I have this running joke that I am the greatest lawyer-programmer in the world. 
The irony is that it's probably true.
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