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Wed, 15 May 2024 06:10:14 -0700

Andy from private IP /all I suffered a catastrophic computer failure yesterday with my workstation and have been recovering It all started when the Nvidia driver I tried to install refused to work. I kept rebooting and somewhere in there, I corrupted the system disk. Although my web and email servers were unaffected, I lost all day yesterday fixing this shit, and now it finally works again. I lost all my programs, which of course I can reinstall, and oddly enough this will be better than before because I discovered the official Nvidia driver repository, which means it will auto-update in the future and I won't have to manually install the driver every time the kernel changes. That's my long way of saying this is actually a good thing that caused me to extend my computer systems integration capabilities. But it's still annoying having to reinstall all my apps. #Technology _reply Wed, 15 May 2024 11:00:12 -0700
Andy from private IP /all On the plus side, now I can actually play videos on Instagram because the HEVC decoder works now. Lol. _reply Thu, 16 May 2024 02:00:57 -0700
2tierreality from private IP /all It's interesting you chose to auto-update Nvidia drivers. In the old days, every Nvidia driver update would cause a system crash and require roll-back to the previous driver, but that was probably windows XP, and sometimes my brain is still living in 2010. But now it's 2024, I'm running Windows 11, and Bill and Melinda are ignominiously divorced. Gotta admit, semi-disappointed you aren't running some custom-built linux distribution, "Andy's Own Ubuntu" or the like. _reply Thu, 16 May 2024 04:51:55 -0700
Andy from private IP /all Check out my battlestation: https://www.andrewwatters.com/law/office/Andy-office1.jpg _reply Mon, 20 May 2024 09:15:44 -0700
2tierreality from private IP /all Red stapler! _reply Thu, 30 May 2024 15:39:31 -0700
Andy from private IP /all I repurposed a Zeiss CP.3 cinema lens that I had and got a Blackmagic Micro Studio 4K camera to try out for the Trial Laboratory. This is the world's most expensive, most overkill webcam. I look very cinematic and sharp on Zoom now, especially with the shallow depth of field and adjustable iris. Color me extreme. _reply Sun, 02 Jun 2024 10:54:43 -0700
Andy from private IP /all I installed a new network switch today. There may be a couple of brief outages. This thing is a beast at the entry-level enterprise level, and it crushes my former small business switch.
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