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Fri, 17 May 2024 13:21:54 -0700

parttimemba from private IP /all Study on Underemployment I found this interesting, as I was once in this situation, twas not easy for me to escape, and I know many that have not, even after a decade +. https://www.burningglassinstitute.org/research/underemployment _reply Fri, 17 May 2024 15:10:25 -0700
zerosugar from private IP /all I know a guy who graduated a year before me (2017) and did not take the bar for years. Not sure what he was doing during this time period. I think just working odd jobs here and there. He finally took it last year and is now working at a firm doing estate planning. I am happy for him as he had an interest in that when we were in law school. He moved all the way out to Central Illinois, but at least it's a job in an area he enjoys! There is hope for all I guess, but working does suck unless you can do remote work. It's important to have good investments as many entry level jobs are miserable and not for long term. Sadly, I know a girl who never passed the bar despite receiving free bar review materials. I don't know what she is doing now. I tried reaching out and she did not answer me, likely because of embarrassment. She is a quality person, so I hope she eventually passes or that she has a guy who will support her. I'm happy I just passed the second time and it was actually a God send I did not pass the first time because then IL became UBE the next cycle around so I was able to take the UBE which in my opinion was an easier test. _reply Thu, 30 May 2024 15:54:07 -0700
Andy from private IP /all College has never been as low-value as it is now. The market is saturated with graduates who are seeking work. I started using the official college job board, Handshake, and it's awesome! I get tons of applicants from great schools. But this doesn't bode well for the future or the oversupply of college graduates.
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