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Tue, 04 Jun 2024 07:41:25 -0700

Andy from private IP /all I hated one of my 10th grade English teachers with a passion I am trying to remember her name. Among other transgressions, she forced my class to read "Wuthering Heights," which is a ridiculous, depressing English novel and was also my nadir as a high school student. The novel only deserves to be famous because of the singer Kate Bush's amazing interpretation of it as her debut single, which is undoubtedly better than the source material by the unknown Emily Brontë, who only wrote one novel and was trying too hard to be Jane Austen. This teacher was crazy. I guess it would be normal to read William Shakespeare's Macbeth in the 10th grade, which we did, but I'm shocked to say that we also watched the unrated Roman Polanski version of Macbeth in class-- complete with the shockingly violent murders, beatings, rapes, and decapitations. I'm not sure how that was allowed, but it happened, and those images are seared into my brain. I have so many negative memories of that class, which was nothing like my other semester when I had a wonderful English teacher and we read the Odyssey, among other age-appropriate and interesting works. The crazy English teacher is one reason why I hated high school. Hard to believe it was almost 30 years ago and I'm still complaining about it now. That shows how bad it was. #Education _reply Wed, 05 Jun 2024 04:00:02 -0700
Andy from private IP /all It was Ms. Hubbard. With this post, I am memorializing her awfulness forever. _reply Wed, 05 Jun 2024 09:54:24 -0700
whiteguyinchina from private IP /all I liked wuthering heights. Much more than red badge of courage, which we were also forced to read. This Ms Hubbard sounds like an amazing teacher. She certainly had an effect on you and your future development. _reply Wed, 05 Jun 2024 09:56:22 -0700
Andy from private IP /all Lol. I thought Red Badge of Courage was a masterpiece. My kind of story! Ms. Hubbard was my nemesis for half of 1995. Can't believe I remember all her bullshit nearly 30 years later. _reply Sat, 08 Jun 2024 20:01:08 -0700
zerosugar from private IP /all I still remember many of my teachers. One in particular sticks out the most. I was traumatized by an old 5th grade teacher who engaged in what can be grooming. She was only 22 at the time and we were her first class. Sadly, she is still working and making 6 figures. We were just kids and she would tell us about her sex life, weekend club adventures, flirt with the boys in front of us girls and tell them they would be heartbreakers when they grew up, talk to girls about Victoria Secret thongs. To this day, she has so many students and former students on her social media. One comment I will always remember is when my classmate Michael told her Ricky Martin was gay. She talked nonstop about how Ricky Martin was hot. Then she told the entire class to give her one night with Ricky and she will knock the gay out of him. For some reason, she really disliked me and loved this big chick Rene who was a huge bully. Rene had failed a year or two so I was stuck with her and people feared her because she had an older sister who was popular. This teacher also liked Michael C. who was a big time jerk. Short little chubby guy who was the class clown and made the most obnoxious jokes. As an adult, he apologized to be for the past This crazy teacher now left her husband and married some bald motorcycle dude and got sleeves of tattoos and brags about her tattoos with some of the former school kids. It’s seriously pathetic.
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