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Wed, 05 Jun 2024 19:38:01 -0700

zerosugar from private IP /all What to know about the latest trial involving Amanda Knox ok see link below to read about latest drama involving amanda knox. now amanda knox was convicted of slander. italian defamation laws are insane. anytime i have had an issue with an italian, they immediately threaten me with a defamation lawsuit even if i say something as simple as telling an elected small town official to please do their job. there are also criminal penalties there for defamation not just civil. all the same, the amanda knox story like the natalee holloway story are just two big cases for those of us who are part of gen y and old enough to remember. naturally, gen x and boomers can also recall these headlines when amanda, an american student studying abroad in perugia was accused of killing her british roommate. now amanda's behavior was a little weird and italians used this against her, but keep in mind, she only knew meredith very briefly. was she supposed to be crying buckets of tears? shocking news such as a murder also does not hit people suddenly in the same way. why would she be so jealous of a girl she barely knew and why would she have a motive to kill somebody who was basically a stranger? an african man named rudy was also convicted of the crime. what do you think? could she be a killer? https://apnews.com/article/amanda-knox-meredith-kercher-murder-slander-3225079371237c6960a8b1244474ac7b #Movies #PublicFigures _reply Wed, 05 Jun 2024 20:04:10 -0700
zerosugar from private IP /all https://nypost.com/2023/12/06/news/meredith-kercher-killer-rudy-guede-re-arrested-on-assault-allegations/ did not know this! meredith's family also seem out for blood against amanda knox and raffaele sollecito yet they seem to be unconcerned about rudy guede who was freed and who there was evidence against. again, i don't know amanda. its entirely possible she is crazy and you can never know, but i overall think this was a case of xenophobia against an american. i will not get into all the xenophobia that went on with this trial and why i believe italian authorities and the public in general were out to get an american because it will take a book, but the discussions are out there on the interwebz. _reply Thu, 06 Jun 2024 06:18:46 -0700
Andy from private IP /all Amanda Knox is a horrible person, and the fact that she's been found guilty of crimes in Italy about six separate times while trying to pin her roommate's murder on her employer shows that very clearly. Her excuse that she only spoke "rudimentary Italian" and didn't mean to say exactly what she said is further evidence of her being an awful person. I hate awful people even though they may not have full control of how bad they are. _reply Thu, 06 Jun 2024 09:58:51 -0700
zerosugar from private IP /all @AndyTest Being a horrible person doesn’t make her a killer. It could be possible the killer was none of the accused. The thing is what was her motive in killing Meredith? She didn’t know her. Only was roomates with her for a few weeks. The Italian prosecutor’s story of jealousy just seems like bullshit. Italians were also making her out to be some sex pot when in the USA she is just an average looking girl, but they were exoticizing Amanda. They used that she had a vibrator as evidence for her guilt. Here is a more scientific breakdown of the crime. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26971315/ _reply Thu, 06 Jun 2024 10:05:22 -0700
zerosugar from private IP /all This image of a sex crazed girl was insane. Raffaelle Sollecito was also a dork. They have a really distorted idea of American women that’s very archaic especially if the girl happens to have Nordic features as Amanda had. While there are many Italians who are blonde or lighter and even redhead, Italians will always usually have something about appearance that looks more eastern shifted. Up north, with the exception of limited Sud Tirol minorities who will almost always have Germanic surnames, the average Northern Italian looks no different from a Spaniard or Southern French. Pavarotti is a perfect example of average Northern Italian phenotype. A blonde western looking girl like Amanda was a target. In the prison they even lied to her saying she had HIV asking her to name all her sexual partners. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2015/04/how-much-italy-owe-amanda-knox Note, Raffaele is an exception of an Italian who can look Atlantic. Interestingly he had southern roots in Puglia and his father is a urologist iirc. I think when younger he could have passed somewhere like England, but as he gets older, he looks more Italian. _reply Mon, 10 Jun 2024 20:47:19 -0700
zerosugar from private IP /all @AndyTest Wow I forgot about that guy Patrick who was the boss/bar owner. I had confused him with the other African man Rudy. I was watching some tiktok videos about the recent slander case against her and listening to a few podcasts. Now I sort of find it creepy she accused Patrick. If she was not responsible for the murder, why would she try to throw somebody else under the bus to protect herself? Now I’m back to the belief, she is possibly be guilty. I do go back and forth with Amanda. It’s definitely creepy. I still don’t know what her motivation was in killing Meredith, but that’s what makes many cases interesting. Same with Joran van der Sloot. He didn’t know Natalee or the girl Stefany from Peru. He killed them for no reason at all. _reply Mon, 10 Jun 2024 20:53:13 -0700
zerosugar from private IP /all Completely forgot there were two African men accused! I would like to know more about Amanda’s background and if she had any mental illness. Some borderlines and sociopaths can be so scary and resort to violence. I don’t know what to think about Raffaele. He looked nerdy, but there are some sadistic nerds. _reply Mon, 10 Jun 2024 20:57:17 -0700
zerosugar from private IP /all Amanda is also married to a bizarre guy. Her pics here are creepy. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13501053/amp/How-Amanda-Knox-went-convicted-killer-wholesome-married-mum-two-Inside-new-family-life-built-oddball-husband-twice-convicted-exonerated-murder-Meredith-Kercher.html _reply Mon, 10 Jun 2024 21:27:37 -0700
zerosugar from private IP /all https://juvenilelaw.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/DNA-Evidence.pdf There doesn’t seem to be strong dna evidence against her though. _reply Tue, 11 Jun 2024 08:38:45 -0700
shithead from private IP /all What evidence is there that I should find a fuck to give about this thing? _reply Tue, 11 Jun 2024 23:50:49 -0700
Blee from private IP /all I'm not invested enough to actually do the research, but why on earth did she go back for this? I can't imagine she'd be extradited for slander, and a solid "Fuck Italy, I ain't going back there ever" seems like it would resolve the issue.
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