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Tue, 18 Jun 2024 18:20:21 -0700

whiteguyinchina from private IP /all Hunter Biden https://www.foxnews.com/politics/hunter-biden-revealed-top-ccp-leader-wanted-him-visit-china-discuss-business-opportunities-emails Really funny how Hunter Bidens so called business worked. The formula is thus -attend important functions with dad -collect business cards (the man was not even good at that - see below) Biden responded that he was "happy" to fulfill the request but said he could not recall the names of the gentlemen who sat next to him at the dinner. "Happy to do this," he wrote, "but I have no email address for Mr. Tung and he very well may have sat next to me but I don't recall the two gentlemen's names to my left and right. Regardless, I would suggest the team draft an email in Mandarin and English for my approval ASAP." -let his underlings do all the work -profit, with 10% for the big guy Those networking opportunities tho _reply Tue, 18 Jun 2024 18:22:38 -0700
whiteguyinchina from private IP /all Basically sat next to leader of Hong Kong and couldn't remember I mean it's like sitting next to Mayor of New York and forgetting That's your only function bro That Crack use tho _reply Wed, 19 Jun 2024 02:55:45 -0700
whiteguyinchina from private IP /all Pure goald In the July 2014 email, Bulger asked Biden to introduce Li and Andy Lu, who was a BHR committee member, to "Mr. Tung" to discuss "BHR investment targets" and "fundraising," alleging Biden sat next to Tung at a 2013 dinner welcoming Vice President Biden to Beijing, according to previous Fox News Digital reporting. "It is my understanding that during the trip to Beijing that you made with your father, President Xi hosted a welcome dinner," Bulger wrote. "[A]t that dinner, you were seated right next to Mr Tung, therefore J and Andy believe it would be very helpful if you could please send a brief email to Mr Tung laying out that you are a partner and Board Member of BHR and that You would be grateful to Mr Tung if he could meet your local partners to discuss the Fund." TRANSLATION Hunter you fucking idiot, you sat next to the boss of Hong Kong. Did you at least get a business card Sad that this idiot was peddling influence, but made our power elite look like morons. _reply Wed, 19 Jun 2024 05:35:18 -0700
Andy from private IP /all Hunter Biden is a freaking scumbag, and not even good at being a scumbag. What a failure and a waste. Winners don't use drugs. _reply Wed, 19 Jun 2024 22:20:45 -0700
whiteguyinchina from private IP /all On rethink, that email must have been some CYA maneuvering because he cannot possibly be that stupid. I attended a banquet hosted by the president of China, and can't remember who was at my table? Not plausible even for a Crack head. Maybe he had to pretend he was at the dinner just as a personal guest and not a business networking thing, so the request for contact had to be initiated by someone else other than him. To keep up appearances that he was just taking a holiday trip with dad and was not really paying attention to who was there. Also notice his use of proper grammar. No idea, but go ahead and draft a letter just to be safe. Why in the world would anyone do business with him otherwise. _reply Sat, 22 Jun 2024 07:34:49 -0700
Wily from private IP /all The dude sucks. He had 10% of a Chinese PE fund in the golden years for doing Nothing and still managed to make nothing so he had to go to Ukraine for more $. Like if I had 1% of a PE fund back in the Hu-Xi transition I'd be retired on an island somewhere now.
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