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Thu, 29 Aug 2024 11:55:00 -0700

DSE from private IP /all I checked out caring about national politics when the Supremes handed down Trump v. United States Welcome to the imperial presidency! It's the Project 25 author's wet dream! And yes, i read the whole thing, and the Trump v United States was on their wish list. It goes to show that it "they" don't care WHO the presdient is, or what party it belongs to. It is legally for sale to the highest bidder. Little wonder 'They' seem to prefer demented old men (trump, biden), or unstable, word salad hyenas (Harris), easier to influence and now that the President is criminally immune from ANY crime he commits in office (the evidentiary standard made sure of that) "they" can influence policy through that criminal immunity. At first i was like.....ok, i'm just gonna leave the presidential ballot box blank becase trump v.biden (and then kamala) is not a choice. Then the decision, and it was over for me. The last real president we had was Barack Obama. I'm not wasting any more time on national politcs, it's cooked. My focus is on state and local. At least there is still a measure of accountability _reply Thu, 29 Aug 2024 13:14:48 -0700
serbexo from private IP /all Lol you are such a fraud. Living in a red part of a blue state you get all the self-righteousness of being a Dem but none of the negative effects. I’m sure your neighborhood is immune from ”diversity” while you and yours get rich from the rural carve-outs the Rs got you. _reply Thu, 29 Aug 2024 13:14:49 -0700
serbexo from private IP /all Lol you are such a fraud. Living in a red part of a blue state you get all the self-righteousness of being a Dem but none of the negative effects. I’m sure your neighborhood is immune from ”diversity” while you and yours get rich from the rural carve-outs the Rs got you. _reply Thu, 29 Aug 2024 14:03:57 -0700
PeanutsandCashews from private IP /all I still care about national, state and local politics, but the Trump decision was a wretched, ill-conceived, ridiculous decision. I could go on with some more negative adjectives, but it was really bad. Bad, bad, bad. _reply Thu, 29 Aug 2024 17:32:16 -0700
DSE from private IP /all Any immunity from "diversity" is long gone. Ever since the bee lll mmm riots, the two "diverse" cities i live between are now crime ridden hellholes Because of the dem city councils and they cant hire cops even with a 20k sign on bonus. Tl Even better are the hordes of "migrants" up in chicago that work their way downstate. Fuck this state, its trying to be Cali except with shitty weather. _reply Fri, 30 Aug 2024 11:56:35 -0700
zerosugar from private IP /all Chicago is only crime ridden when you consider what downtown has become and certain areas of the south side and west side. The rest of the city are fine. I still go for walks late at night and nothing happens. I am sorry to bother, but I do not think Obama's presidency was a success unless you consider the historical aspect of it. ISIS was running crazy during this time. The country became more divided both when you consider race and the consequences of SCOTUS handing down the gay marriage ruling. Let's also not forget Benghazi and the consequences of the Arab Spring as a whole. Obama's foreign policies and Secretary Clinton's were clearly failures!!! He had some odd fetish with supporting terrrorist groups aka rebels and Muslim Brotherhood fanatics. Even before elected, Obama messed up when he talked about people clinging to guns and religion. He had a chance to be a unifier being that he had an African father, but was raised by old white grandparents. He could have connected with people from all backgrounds. Unfortunately, that did not happen. Obama is the reason why Trump (a NY business man who was a Democrat and still a social liberal) was able to connect with people in places like Alabama. I laugh because this viral black conservative pastor in Harlem even predicted Trump. Obama and Trump had chaos in their time compared to Biden. Aside from Ukraine, Biden's presidency was somewhat peaceful. I disagree with him taking sides between Russia and Ukraine. He should have supported a UN supervised election to let the people in disputed provinces decide whether they want to be part of Russia or Ukraine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vETPO9237B0 P.S. As a woman, I will never forget when Obama and Hillary wanted to support Morsi over Mubarak. Mubarak and his wife who was a British citizen fought against FGM which is a very common practice in Egypt. It's unheard of in other Muslim majority countries including Saudi Arabia, but for some reason its popular in Egypt. Likely, from sub saharan or east african influence. Morsi brought back FGM. https://www.ansa.it/amp/ansamed/it/notizie/rubriche/cronaca/2014/07/24/mutilazioni-genitali-dallegitto-segnali-contraddittori_315d1f00-101f-4509-88f9-b51c9a8870a6.html When it was banned https://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/jun/30/gender.humanrights FGM makes a comeback after the Arab Spring which Obama supported. How a guy who claimed to be so global supported the wrong side in so many countries needs to be noted. https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/5050/mutilating-bodies-muslim-brotherhoods-gift-to-egyptian-women/ _reply Fri, 30 Aug 2024 11:58:00 -0700
zerosugar from private IP /all I also cannot speak too much about Saint Louis as I have only been there once briefly. I see it as a city that used to be rich in culture when you consider it was French. Now, it's just like any other lower end midwestern city, similar to Cleveland and Detroit. _reply Fri, 30 Aug 2024 12:02:49 -0700
zerosugar from private IP /all Gaddafi also did a lot for women's rights in Libya and that was also destroyed by the rebels who Hillary and Obama supported. Democracy and supporting democracy leads to more chaos in the Middle East. Monarchies serve the people (both the majority and ethnic and religious minorities) best there when you consider places like the Emirates and even Saudi. Saudi still has many human rights violations especially when you consider how domestic workers from places like the Philippines are treated there. Still, Bin Salman has improved things and they have come a long way. tl; dr Middle East was crazy under Obama. Even crazier than now. Even if we ignore as his domestic policies that divided the country, support for gay marriage and suing groups of nuns and saying rural Americans cling to guns and religion. Regardless of whether you support gay marriage or not, it divided the nation. _reply Fri, 30 Aug 2024 12:38:04 -0700
zerosugar from private IP /all I also think the main problem with Obama's presidency was that we started to see presidents where they are only the president of their supporters. Trump did the same. Extreme partisanship. Biden sort of brought us back to a time where the president is the president of all people. He could have just stood up more to the radicals in his party. Unfortunately, Kamala will just be partisan too. Both her and Trump and their VPs have messages of division. I'm not comfortable with parties being like religions or at least huge identities.
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