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Tue, 10 Sep 2024 16:24:24 -0700
whiteguyinchina from private IP
Admin suffered several injuries in his first game
Wed, 11 Sep 2024 04:41:02 -0700
Andy from
private IP
My hand is improving, but my doctor still ordered an x-ray and asked me to get
it done. I'm hoping to stay out of a cast. The time I got a chip fracture in
my wrist (also from softball) in 2008, I was in a cast for six weeks and it was
the most irritating experience of my life. The most annoying part was people
coming up to me and asking how I broke my wrist. It gave me new appreciation
for the disabled, because I can't imagine being in a wheelchair and being asked
all the time what the problem is. It's as if being injured allows people to
invade your privacy.
Wed, 11 Sep 2024 08:59:06 -0700
Andy from
private IP
My x-ray was normal, thank god. I can't be in a cast for six weeks, ever again.
Wed, 11 Sep 2024 13:35:19 -0700
whiteguyinchina from private IP
Now let's imagine you did break your main hand, say your right,and you are
handicapped in your job for like two months. That would undoubtedly cost you
money. So consoder thst possibly This softball adventure of yours has taken food
out of your kids mouth(s). Was it worth it Andy? Was it? That's why old fat bros
go golfing.
Wed, 11 Sep 2024 14:57:11 -0700
Andy from
private IP
No. Lol. You are right.
Wed, 11 Sep 2024 16:21:14 -0700
whiteguyinchina from private IP
Golf is easy enough not to get hurt but hard enough to talk shit. But it sucks
rock and a hard place type of thing
Tue, 24 Sep 2024 06:07:39 -0700
Andy from
private IP
My feet and ankles started aching a few days after the first game, and over the
last two weeks they got worse and then better. I still can't walk comfortably,
which means I sat out the last two games. Embarrassing.
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