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Sun, 08 Dec 2024 19:31:52 -0800
marlon from
private IP, post #10111601
Burn out
Just like a light bulb, burnt out. Don't want to work in an office or
Been fired dozens of times. But there was only one job i regret losing at the
time, that first CPA firm, their culture was so alien to me, it took me a few
years to understand, but now there's no way i could do it again.
My biggest mistake was being so bad at negotiating. Always let them say how
much first, if they ask u how much u want to be paid. But i always caved in &
gave a low figure, out of desperation. Wait months for a 'phone call, u lower
ur expectations. Chaldeans will jew u down to minimum wage. Wish I had been
rude & got up to leave at that point.
but its ok. No plans, hate it all anyways, will die a virgin.
Sun, 08 Dec 2024 20:31:34 -0800
Andy from
private IP
Reply #10593152 Sorry dude, that sucks. What do
you mean, fired dozens of times? Are you able to work? What is your usual
Don't feel too bad about being a virgin. My nickname in the fraternity was
PermaVirg. As in, permanent virgin. I'm embarrassed to admit that it almost
came true, but thankfully I was able to make it happen-- without resorting to
hookers. I'm a late bloomer.
Sun, 08 Dec 2024 21:12:55 -0800
from private IP
Reply #16883190 We have many Assyrians in
Chicago. In particular, Assyrians from Iraq. I will have to look up the
differences between them as Chaldeans. Assyrians here seem to have money. They
mostly live around Skokie and far northside. They tend to live around the Jewish
Sun, 08 Dec 2024 21:20:56 -0800
from private IP
Reply #19027540 Oh ok. My searches show most
Assyrians are Orthodox while Chaldeans are Catholic. Still, they are basically
the same people, but Chaldeans accept an Arab identity more readily while
Assyrians love to remind people they are not Arab. I learned something new
Mon, 09 Dec 2024 08:43:54 -0800
whiteguyinchina from private IP
Reply #11096995 Your job can suck and you can be
miserable at work but you can still get married and have a family.
Mon, 09 Dec 2024 08:47:56 -0800
marlon from
private IP
Reply #16794736 u need to be an optimist for
that, also i'm down on people in general, it's my fault for being so weird &
attached to my mom.
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