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Tue, 10 Dec 2024 21:24:14 -0800
whiteguyinchina from private IP, post
California has replaced man woman restroom sign with a man in a half skirt
That's progress
Those signs were printed in chayna or in a California prison by inmates
Sat, 14 Dec 2024 12:04:07 -0800
from private IP
Reply #14759584 I see this in Illinois too. They
now have single stall bathrooms with a half skirt and they are called “gender
neutral” bathrooms. I personally think it’s a tragedy in larger businesses
to force people to wait for a single stall.
Just have two sex bathrooms. If a man can really pass as a woman, I’m sure
nobody will notice him if he goes into the ladies room. Even if I see an obvious
man dressed like a woman, I would just ignore. It’s not my place to enforce
anything and I am sure most women feel the same. There are stalls anybody. If
they can’t pass as that gender or at least are not making themselves up to be
that gender, then they probably shouldn’t use the bathroom.
There is one crazy leftist old hippie vegan guy here who has a half human half
alien sign on the bathroom and says something nutty like “whatever you are
just wash your hands.”
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