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Fri, 31 Jan 2025 04:20:42 -0800 Andy from private IP, post #12549450 /all I picked up a box of Pabst Blue Ribbon this week...reminds me how much progress I've made. Let me break it down for you: PBR sucks, and is like drinking water compared to my usual ultra high-quality IPA of choice. However, PBR was the best option at the gas station across the street when I was buying supplies. I got this 12-pack because I thought it would be funny to drink it now that PBR has become a fixture in the hipster scene. I'm regretting it because the PBR is giving me a weird acid reflux reaction, and also it's very weak. I recall drinking this in college and it reminds me that I'm much further along in life, career, and personal life than I was 20+ years ago. Thanks PBR for reminding me that I don't have to drink it anymore. #Alcohol Fri, 31 Jan 2025 08:28:44 -0800 whiteguyinchina from private IP Reply #15468623 I would posit a counter argument Your inability to digest PBR is a sign you are oald Fri, 31 Jan 2025 12:30:11 -0800 marlon from private IP Reply #12257753 drink whiskey instead, won't make u fat been reading about this guy, drinking killed him require login.