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Thu, 06 Feb 2025 06:30:18 -0800 Andy from private IP, post #14068587 /all The enshittification of everything Why is the web so bad these days? It's not just the web, it's everything. Check this out: The funny thing is that the linked Ars Technica article is itself a perfect example of enshittification-- it has numerous ads and auto-played videos within the article that distract from reading it. I don't think they realized the irony. I don't have any ads on any of my websites, except that I do intend to have a small ad in the box on the right on JDU just for fun. My portfolio of websites represents a substantial investment, but there is no marginal cost because I already pay (through the nose) for badass internet at the office. I only really need my portal and email servers, though it's been nice having an upgraded web server of my own design that has a RAID 5 of three SSDs for blindingly fast performance, as you can see. My point is that I don't need to run ads on my websites because it has nothing to do with how I earn money, and it doesn't affect my costs. You're welcome. #Hobbies #LawFirm #Programming #Technology Thu, 06 Feb 2025 06:58:48 -0800 whiteguyinchina from private IP Reply #14913683 It's everything and everywhere. I see it from a physical goods standpoint. I think it has to do with too much income inequality in the world, where the consumer is less important and the returns to the investors are more important. It's like every restaurant became McDonald's. Even made in china stuff from 15-20 years ago was decent quality, now you wear a pant for three days and it tears or your branded new whatever is broken almost immediately because a little plastic piece cracked. Part of it is population too, and the fact that marginal cost of new resources has gone up. I don't think the consumer model of economic development can be sustained. I think we will be something like cheap necessities sterilization and subsidized rent but no economic mobility within a few decades. A technocrats serfdom. And people will agree to it because they are for the most part lazy. An acquaintance does airplane parts and he said he won't let his family fly because the quality has gotten so bad. Also see Boeing from the engineering side. Cars are the same. Rented a tahoe with 700 miles on it and it broke because the computer glitches. Had to be towed. Think about that. A brand new high end autpmobile almost off the line. It's not just low end goods but high end goods. Thu, 06 Feb 2025 07:01:18 -0800 whiteguyinchina from private IP Reply #13101483 Also note that I saw the brazilification of america 10 years ago, and it keeps coming. Even our politicians start to resemble Latin American dictators. Tough guy types who talk populist but funnel money out the back. This is true of both parties. And this trend is global Thu, 06 Feb 2025 07:33:38 -0800 marlon from private IP Reply #10566416 Yes i see it too. The guys in charge want short-term profit at the expense of the long-term. Short cuts, cheating, sugar coating, is how we roll now. Thu, 06 Feb 2025 12:57:28 -0800 phosita from private IP Reply #11839332 Slashdot is (or rather was, back in the late 1990s) highly credited. Slashdot itself has enshittified, now little more than a dumping ground for low-effort sharticles straight out of AI hallucinations. A few Oald Ones still poast and lurk - I am one - but it's a nest of libertariancel bitterati now. Thu, 06 Feb 2025 12:59:11 -0800 phosita from private IP Reply #10226899 Also, uh, RAID-5 on 3 drives, brohammed? Fri, 07 Feb 2025 22:00:02 -0800 Andy from private IP Reply #13375014 @phositaTest Yes, I have a three-drive RAID 5 of enterprise SSDs in my web server. It is blindingly fast, no joke. If any of the SSDs fail, I can easily replace the failed one with a new unit of the same model. I did a 8-drive RAID 5 in my desktop workstation and that one is also wonderful. I should have done this years ago. Sat, 08 Feb 2025 08:07:57 -0800 phosita from private IP Reply #10851805 I'm using ZFS throughout my home office. Works like a champ. The machine I use for db stuff has an ZFS pool comprising 4 x 2-disk mirrors of NAS class SATA SSDs and 2x enterprise NVMe drives mirrored as slog. I don't do lots of writes though so the NVMe drives are just for fun essentially. Reads are very quick with so many vdevs but my shit fits in RAM anyway so eventually the drives don't do much. The main file server is spinning rust, with two pools: a 6-drive RAIDZ2; and a 2-drive mirror. Of course I swap a stable drives in and out of the mirror to offisite. I am 6'1" btw. Sat, 08 Feb 2025 08:15:24 -0800 phosita from private IP Reply #14163817 Oh also safety systems in cars enshittified long, long ago. Look, they're still better than nothing like it's 1986 or something; but I've seen how the sausage is made and it is not appetizing. Penny pinching pervades on literally everything in the bill of materials. Software/firmware gets subbed out to the Subcontinent. Happy motoring! Sat, 08 Feb 2025 10:50:21 -0800 whiteguyinchina from private IP Reply #13894396 The deflation in china also relates to use of lower quality materials to come up with a cheaper product. This is everywhere and in everything. Medicines, cars, airplanes. A 20 year old toaster is better than a brand new toaster. Sat, 08 Feb 2025 12:52:34 -0800 marlon from private IP Reply #15870027 China needs to write-off all that wasted capacity they built, so much empty housing & half-finished projects. Bogus numbers all this time. if u have to eat crow, better to eat it while it's still warm.Replies require login.
@14913683 Andy 👍 @13101483 Andy 🥺 @10566416 Andy 🥺 @13101483 2tierreality 🥺