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Sat, 15 Feb 2025 00:10:03 -0800
zerosugar from private IP, post #17899443
jay-z lawsuit
Jay-Z is so gross. TMZ are making it seem like the victim dismissed her lawsuit
because she could not win or because it was fake. Nope, her lawyer likely
dismissed her lawsuit because Jay-Z agreed to settle with her and enter into a
confidential agreement in exchange for her dismissal. Its not a win for Jay-Z or
Diddy unless a win can be framed as paying millions for silence. Some victims
just do not want to go to trial because they know the defendant's attorney will
dox them and try to bring up anything in their past to discredit them. Their own
lawyers may encourage them to settle because of course the attorneys want an
easy pay day and oftentimes settlement is the best thing to avoid further
The way Jay Z tried to attack that Texas attorney Tony Buzbee is a joke too. Now
from what I research, Buzbee has some skeletons in his closet, but he seems to
have experience in cases against celebrities. He represented all the families of
the people who died at the Travis Scott concert. Jay-Z mostly tried to discredit
the guy because he did not meet with the client in person. In this virtual age,
oftentimes clients do not meet with lawyers in person. It is not necessary at
certain stages of litigation and pre-litigation. Lawyers may also not be in the
same state as the clients. For example, the victim may have to find a lawyer in
the state where the events took place and maybe the victim no longer lives in
that state or never did.
The way TMZ are framing it as a win is a joke. They know the truth. People who
are ignorant will believe this is an admission the girl was lying and that Jay-Z
was truthful. The way the media have decided to appoint Jay-Z and Beyonce as
their favorite couple is sickening.
These rappers were accused of some vile things and the way the media are framing
the Jay-Z accusations makes me sick. They were so quick to throw everybody else
under the bus, but they want to protect him for some reason. I bet this woman
isn't the only person to make an accusation against Jay-Z. He was probably hit
with other demand letters, but settled so the accusations would not go public.
Sat, 15 Feb 2025 00:21:28 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #11784157
The other article by TMZ. The entire time they have been putting out articles
painting Jay-Z as innocent. While Diddy was involved in some left wing politics,
he was not as big of a mouthpiece as Jay-Z and Beyonce so maybe this is why TMZ,
a publication run by a very liberal group of people want to protect Jay-Z's
image. Likewise, not just a tabloid publication, but most of the mainstream
media who are very much far left leaning.
I like this article here about Buzbee. Now I think Buzbee's main interest is his
paycheck, but props to him for taking on these celebs who think they can treat
average people who aren't famous like slaves. I hope more lawyers will take up
this cause.
Sat, 15 Feb 2025 06:02:56 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #19905491 The NYPost were more objective.
That Diddy’s attorneys claimed no settlement is irrelevant and actually they
may be telling the truth because Jay-Z probably “covered” Diddy. Paying her
the money and having her agree to drop claims against both him and Diddy because
if she settled with him, but continued against Diddy and stuff came out, this
would harm Jay-Z. This happens quite frequently tbh.
The reality is Buzbee wouldn’t have taken this case on a contingency basis if
there were zero chance at winning. Jay-Z settled. The left wing media twist it
as a win and his fans still defend him. The 00s didn’t have the manosphere
misogyny of today and the claims all women are dog fuckers and lesbians, but
there was strong sexual assault culture and grown men who thought they could get
away with drugging teenagers and taking advantage of them. On a side note,
Weinstein was not accused of sex with minors and he actually had evidence in his
favor regarding certain claims such as his relationship with Asia Argento, but
was given so much time in prison. Jay-Z deserves prison more than him and the
people defending him on the sole basis of race (mostly crazy fans) ignore the
fact that 99 percent of the victims of these rappers were poor black women who
have been without a voice for years. Some may have even thought they had no
rights given the amount of time that had passed.
Sat, 15 Feb 2025 11:25:28 -0800
whiteguyinchina from private IP
Reply #10406781 Most of hollywood and music is
garbage, this has been going on for decades
Remember when some producer got naked in front of Judy garland in the 40s
It's what happens when people worship other people
The power goes to their heads
Sat, 15 Feb 2025 13:46:14 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #18772146 Celebrity worship is probably one
of the worst aspects of American culture. Modern celebrities do not even have
the charm of old Hollywood. I think if a geriatric Bill Cosby can be sent to
prison, then Jay-Z should suffer the same fate. The good thing is these
settlements can only buy silence when it comes to the accused speaking out
publicly. She cannot be stopped from pursuing criminal charges. The 13-year-old
girl is just one victim. A man who was a minor at one point also came out
against Jay-Z which is gross. Jay-Z calling it a shake down is hilarious. All
lawyers who represent clients in cases against celebs do this not just Buzbee. I
also don't get how much evidence his fans expect the victim to have from a crime
that happened when she was only 13? She must have had something. I doubt she
just woke up one morning and decided to call Buzbee and pick Jay Z to accuse of
SA if she had never met him. Jay Z is taking the weakest position possible when
he denies ever even having met her.
Sat, 15 Feb 2025 13:48:45 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #13738972 There are also a group of
celebrities like Jay-Z and Beyonce as well as Lebron James who are so incredibly
racist. I will never forget when Jay-Z was seen wearing this five percent
What is Five Percent Nation and what do they believe? The author of two books on
the group, Michael Muhammad Knight explains, “The rationale is that the black
man is God and created the universe, and is physically stronger and
intellectually stronger and more righteous naturally. Whiteness is weak and
wicked and inferior — basically just an errant child who needs to be
Sat, 15 Feb 2025 13:50:31 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #18652205 Tony Buzbee seems like a family
guy with clean cut children who goes to church and loves his dogs and likes to
travel. Anyway, I am happy somebody is taking on these rappers. lol.
Sat, 15 Feb 2025 15:30:59 -0800
marlon from private IP
Reply #14769814 sugar, what do u think about
Mayor Adams?
Sat, 15 Feb 2025 18:28:45 -0800
whiteguyinchina from private IP
Reply #19984477 Celebrity worship is ancient.
Probably stems from us being herd animals. We worshipped royals before. It's a
global and historical phenomenon, not just in america.
Sat, 15 Feb 2025 21:40:20 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #11660115 @marlonTest I
wish I knew more about the Adams case. I didn’t keep up much with the
corruption charges against him. I am curious as to why Trump agreed to help him
and now Adams is suing him. I felt Trump was hoping Adams would not try to fight
ICE/DHS over deportations and I think Adams had even visited Mar a lago. He
seems to show some temporary common sense. Anyway, he sort of seems like a flip
flipper to me. Not as bad as our Mayor Johnson in Chicago though and our
previous Lori Lightfoot. America’s big cities are all under terrible
leadership sadly.
Sat, 15 Feb 2025 21:47:43 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #18476278 @whiteguyinchinaTest i sort of feel royals at least brought a sense of
nationalism to their countrie and identity.. many modern celebrities contribute
very little as far as cultural enrichment and national pride go. the usa and uk
take celebrity and tabloid culture to an extreme. although now i see it
happening in italy too with the fascination over chiara ferrangi and the gossip
surrounding her pandoro cake children’s hospital scam.
anybody who can feel for the rappers is just next level nuts though. i say this
as somebody who was a rap music fan. i don’t even think diddy should be in
jail for life, buts its so funny people actually believe him and jay z are still
innocent. lol. i say at least 50-70 percent of the accusations against them are
true. on a side note, kanye supposedly has a 2012 sex tape with a prostitute and
this jewish porn broker has threatened to release it as punishment for kanye’s
comments. there are prices to pay for fame and privacy really is a blessing. i
don’t envy celebs as i did when i was a child.
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