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Tue, 18 Feb 2025 22:37:49 -0800
Andy from private IP, post #10209510  
New creative writing posted

For anyone who likes casual reading, here is more of my serious writing.  This
is a tribute to the video games DOOM and DOOM II:


I have a very interesting story coming up that I'm working on now, which is
separate from this link.  The new story is my greatest ever work-- better even
than The Course of Empire, which was freaking great.  The new story is called
Angelus Summa Maximus (Angel of the Highest Maximum), which tells the story of
the Protagonist.  The Protagonist can see bits and pieces of the future, and he
knows it.  I won't spoil it for you before posting it, but the ending has the
Protagonist meeting God and being presented with a choice: would he rather stay
in Heaven, or return to Earth and repeat his same life knowing that he is an
angel sent by God?  It's a tougher choice than it seems at first glance, but I
wanted to provoke thoughts and discussion about the meaning of life, eternity,
and other themes.  In my story, consistent with what I've alluded to on here, my
thesis is that God is inside the universe with us, and God created the universe
for himself to live in.  Should be an interested read, since I sure am having
fun writing it.

#Hobbies #Movies 

Wed, 19 Feb 2025 01:59:32 -0800
Andy from private IP
Reply #12409418   I'm also posting Prometheus,
which was the basis for the album I produced with the Dévah Quartet, including
the 33-minute title suite.  DOOM (2017) and Prometheus (2019) are both great,
but as my writing matures, I have to say it's getting pretty amazing now with
the latest material.


Wed, 19 Feb 2025 04:17:51 -0800
Andy from private IP
Reply #11893266   OK, I finished the new story a
lot faster than expected.  This is what happens when I get toasted to so many
times with Moutai at a dinner party that I cannot sleep for several hours. 

I want everyone to know that this is my finest writing of all time.  I re-read
this, as well as The Course of Empire, just now.  Honestly, the Course of Empire
is more of a coherent, believable story, and it's more polished with that
A.I.-generated art and the nice web page.  This one is more like a summary of a
story that still needs to be filled out.  But I had fun, as you will see. 


Sat, 22 Feb 2025 02:47:57 -0800
Andy from private IP
Reply #19820356   I'm sick with the flu and cannot
sleep, so I re-read my story Angelus again.  Damn, that's a fine piece of work. 
I was especially pleased that there were no typos in it, which is surprising
considering that I wrote it in one sitting over a couple hours.  I know it's not
normal to be able to write this level of story in two to three hours, so I'm
very grateful for this gift.  I wish there were a way I could make movies out of
these stories I write, but it's simply impossible.  Nobody in the film industry
cares about no-name hobbyist writers without a track record.  Hollywood is ripe
for disruption in that regard.
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