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Sun, 23 Feb 2025 17:25:49 -0800
Andy from private IP, post #14380932
I'm going to film a law firm ad with cinematic tributes to my cinema heroes
I posted this job on Backstage and there are 331 applicants for the role of the
law firm's client in less than 24 hours. Crazy.
[Quentin Tarantino]
The Protagonist, a client of the law firm, is seated at the defendant’s
counsel table while her attorney stands at a podium presenting his closing
argument to the jury.
Every nerve ending, all my senses, blood in my veins, everything I have is
screaming “take off man, just bail, just get the fuck out of there! Panic
hits me like a bucket of water, first there’s the shock of it, Bam! Right in
the face. I’m just standing there drenched in panic, all those jurors looking
at me— and they know, man, they can smell it. Sure as that fucking judge can,
they can smell it on me.
[Michael Mann]
The Protagonist and her attorney sit across from each other in a neon-lit,
trendy restaurant after the trial. They are drinking coffee.
I guess I haven’t had a regular-type life. What the fuck is that, barbecues
and ball games? If I want friends, I’ll join a country club. Either way, do
not get attached to anything you cannot walk out of in thirty seconds flat if
you spot the heat around the corner. Either way, it is a pleasure and an honor
working with all clients.
The attorney gets in his sports car and drives away with Phil Collins’s “In
the Air Tonight” playing. The street lights reflect on the hood of the car.
Roll credits.
#LawFirm #Movies
Sun, 23 Feb 2025 19:52:34 -0800
whiteguyinchina from private IP
Reply #12818207 You should have asked JDU
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