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Wed, 26 Feb 2025 20:17:08 -0800
whiteguyinchina from private IP,
post #18997142
ATTENTION: WGICs Why is Italy a shit country post is the top post on JDU
In which i was accused of being a rayciss
For the first time in my life i think
Wed, 26 Feb 2025 20:46:34 -0800
marlon from private IP
Reply #16676722 did u want Sugar to beat us up?
Wed, 26 Feb 2025 20:55:45 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #10239890 I think people are just
interested in travel posts while working and then I remembered many things to
say. Likewise, the going back and forth yesterday with the voice tags. I really
can go on when talking about Italy and Italians. I am not trying to even defend
many people in Italy as I have had some terrible experiences there and I cannot
imagine some of the bad experiences of tourists, but so many misconceptions in
the USA.
I saw the craziest post the other day where some incel asked of Giorgia Meloni
looks more Greek or German. IMHO, she looks neither. First, she is not an ethnic
Roman and has no blood from the peninsula period. She is half Sardinian and half
Sicilian. Sardinians are their own group and have zero to do with Magna Graecia.
They even speak some dialects close to Catalan in Sardinia. If she is Western
Sicilian, she likely has no Greek too as this Greek shifted connection would be
more common in Eastern Sicily. At the same time, she does not look German at
all. I sort of see her as looking more Corsican if anything. Just a western
shifted southerner. While there were Germanic like tribes throughout Italy,
neither Northerners nor Southerners are close to them. Northern Italians simply
are western shifted southern Europeans who cluster with Spanish and Southern
French. Jahnik Sinner is simply an Austrian living within Italy's borders. He is
not Northern Italian ethnically. He is distinguished by his surname and that he
speaks German not Italian as a first language. You can easily spot these people
and although they are Italian citizens due to Italy taking these lands in WWI,
he is not Northern Italian. Examples of Northern Italians are Berlusconi,
Pavarotti, Matteo Salvini, and yes Mussolini. Men who definitely don't look
German just as Meloni doesn't look German. At the same time, she doesn't look
Greek. She is just not Eastern shifted enough to look Greek or even Balkan like
Wed, 26 Feb 2025 20:58:20 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #15302344 Here is a WWI song of when Italy
took these parts of Austria and this is probably my favorite version of this
song as I think it's super powerful. In euros when Italy played Austria, people
joked playing this song.
Wed, 26 Feb 2025 21:10:48 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #17605132 I get sensitive to these topics
as there were two insane posters who are still online today who started lots of
controversy in commercial DNA testing forums. These guys were amateur hobbyists
at best and both Italian themselves.
Wed, 26 Feb 2025 21:11:37 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #19780272 I won’t out these guys as they
are so easy to find online and they are already the topics of so much ridicule.
One is a guy here in Florida of all places and so so laughable.
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 09:20:42 -0800
whiteguyinchina from private IP
Reply #15340103 Zerosugar, you don't know me, but
you can believe that I would not engage in malicious behavior or attack anyone
on the internet. So don't assume my post was rayciss or in mean intention. It
was more like a bit of goading to get the fora going. But no meanness is ever
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