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Thu, 27 Feb 2025 20:10:12 -0800
whiteguyinchina from private IP,
post #10287693
The world mourns the loss of Gene Hackmans German Sheperd
Can we please have a moment of silence....
For Gene hackmans shepherd who died in dog on dog violence....
Fri, 28 Feb 2025 06:33:18 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #16566449 Its curious because only that dog
died and was found in a closet supposedly. The other two dogs were alive. This
makes it seem like carbon monoxide was unlikely. Ultimately, it was either
carbon monoxide or Gene accidentally killed his wife and couldn’t bare it and
killed the favorite dog too or the wife accidentally killed Gene and then the
dog. If it was a killing (likely accidental) it seems more likely that it was
the wife who killed Gene as he was 95 and likely too frail.
The saddest thing here is the wife’s body was mummified so she must have been
dead for some time and nobody cared to check up on this couple. Didn’t he have
a daughter??? What a sad sign of the times.
Fri, 28 Feb 2025 06:38:40 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #16423480 There were pill bottles found
At the same time, as much as there will be speculation of suicide/murder, I
don’t doubt it could have been environmental due to carbon monixide or
something else. The actress Brittany Murphy died and it was later uncovered the
house had mold and her husband died shortly after too. Her mother survived and
the house was eventually torn down.
Fri, 28 Feb 2025 06:40:49 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #16694463 Oh the mold theory was dismissed,
but I still don’t buy it as she has pneumonia which is oftentimes caused by
mold. Poor Brittany.
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