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Tue, 04 Mar 2025 09:35:36 -0800 Andy from private IP, post #10178625 /all Seeking advice: how can I market myself better? When I ran my in-person workshop on creating your own website in January, what struck me was that nobody in the room knew who I was, what I do, or why I do what I do. I was meeting people in the local bar association for the first time, and they were all asking me about my law firm. This leads me to believe that I need to promote my law firm and myself better. The problem is, I have no idea how to do that. I don't advertise at all at the moment; my business is sourced from Yelp, referrals, my websites, and word of mouth. The law firm is doing fine. But I have three additional areas I want to market specifically: (1) the Trial Laboratory for mediators, practice for trials, and training programs; (2) advanced computer workstations like the one I have; and (3) the law practice management software that I wrote. What should I do? We tried cold-calling law firms and they don't care about any of this stuff. We tried direct mailing, but nobody called in response. I could advertise online, but that is a dead-end per-click nightmare. What should I do? #Hobbies #LawFirm #Programming #Technology Tue, 04 Mar 2025 09:58:25 -0800 zerosugar from private IP Reply #17448259 I wouldn't feel bad that they did not know you. The only way lawyers become "famous" is through obnoxious commercials which of course are expensive. Another way is through representing a really really high profile client or suing a celebrity. here are some commercials that stand out to me. I hate the first one btw. There are our celebrity attorneys below in Illinois that everybody knows. Some of these commercials are so crazy. debtstoppers is really the semrad law firm this other crazy guy who works with his daughter posts nonstop Tue, 04 Mar 2025 10:00:31 -0800 zerosugar from private IP Reply #11922675 this is a funny one from Alabama hammer! this too! Tue, 04 Mar 2025 10:16:42 -0800 shithead from private IP Reply #18750211 Are you operating at or above your current capacity? Tue, 04 Mar 2025 10:16:43 -0800 shithead from private IP Reply #17728648 Are you operating at or above your current capacity? Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:13:13 -0800 whiteguyinchina from private IP Reply #19272437 Write a book I hired my accountant based on his awesome books Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:16:24 -0800 whiteguyinchina from private IP Reply #19360346 Books are basically the thinking mans advertising brochures Write a CCW law book, you can even make it a series based on state distinctions Doesn't matter if there are a hundred already Get an 800 number and an answering service A part time person to handle sales There you go Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:28:27 -0800 whiteguyinchina from private IP Reply #13127742 Here is their website Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:29:47 -0800 whiteguyinchina from private IP Reply #13144100 Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:31:32 -0800 whiteguyinchina from private IP Reply #17127874 I got this bros book from Facebook but declined to work with them via their accounting firm Mainly because the book was too general and he seemed scammy Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:00:47 -0800 marlon from private IP Reply #10728455 Write a book I hired my accountant based on his awesome books huh bet he has a cute name Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:59:27 -0800 whiteguyinchina from private IP Reply #16287931 Initially was boris musheyev a bro from Brooklyn with a yarmukle. Now Jason watson Tue, 04 Mar 2025 15:40:51 -0800 Andy from private IP Reply #19454280 @shitheadTest I am operating at capacity, but I can always add more attorneys. So not quite ever at capacity, I guess. A big help was raising my hourly rate to $750/hr. last year, which cut down the B.S. while improving the quality of my cases. Wed, 05 Mar 2025 07:52:36 -0800 shithead from private IP Reply #11717417 Well then, it doesn't sound like you have a marketing problem. I'm at about 105% of my comfortable capacity, and have much less than zero desire to scale things. At all. Wed, 05 Mar 2025 10:00:48 -0800 2tierreality from private IP Reply #18413859 I belong to multiple private Facebook groups for attorneys in my practice area, and I actually enjoy participating in them. At least two of them are led by attorneys who are marketing a side product or service, but it's related to the product/service they are promoting. Part of me wonders if you could create a group called "NorCal Elite Trial Practioners". Post videos on trial and settlement tactics, for an attorney audience, but then advertise the trial lab in each video. Also, I like the idea of allowing some local colleges and/or law school mock trial or trial teams use the facility for free. It's a way to post regular content like "We recently hosted the XYZ law school trial team, as they prepare for tier regional competition next month." This would be good exposure for the space, and it drives foot traffic to your office space. Overall, Facebook and Facebook private groups offer a lot of opportunities for content driven advertising at little to no cost.Replies require login.
@10178625 2tierreality 👍