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Thu, 06 Mar 2025 11:04:47 -0800
shithead from private IP, post #14735833
Hairy Chicks
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 11:20:12 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #10108732 non solo pelosa ma anche una
tedesca o svedese puo essere pelosa. this usa keyboard. ughhh. im not sicilian.
my origins are closer to Foggia. while my mom is calabrese and was born in
Calabria, she a quite different than average calabrese because all the way up in
villages by la sila and a very very unique haplogroup that is almost never ever
found in the south. calabria also isn't just an extension of sicily or campania.
keep in mind, western Sicily is different from eastern Sicily.
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 11:21:10 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #12086450 comunque non ti interessa perché
hai già detto che non vieni qui
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 11:26:43 -0800
shithead from private IP
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 11:28:10 -0800
shithead from private IP
Reply #15449352 Behold, for I am Felix of
Principat d'Andorra.
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 11:30:16 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #13946397 Basilicata also used to be part
of greater Calabria. Calabrese dialects are also so different from Campanian or
Sicilian dialects. Calabria is the birthplace of the name of Italy, given to it
by the Ancient Greeks who settled in this land starting from the 8th century BC.
and yeah a lot of Italian girls aren't pretty, but I'm not average Italian girl
and I'm not weak average looking gracile med phenotype like Ariana Grande or
that Bianca Censori with Kanye. they are just plain skinny dark girls with no
bodies except for fake boobs.
Even Abruzzo was kingdom of Two Sicilies, does that mean they are Sicilian? FYI,
we were all Kingdom of Naples at one point too. Two Sicilies is just name
Normans gave and Kingdom of Naples was name Spanish gave.
Southern Italians and Island Greeks and Central Greeks are ethnicities closest
to Mycenaeans.
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 11:31:49 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #19667912 Northern Italy was also part of
Kingdom of Sardinia, does that mean they are all Sardinians? No.
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 11:32:59 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #15887668 I'm quite different ethnically
from most Southerners anyway, but thats beyond the comprehension of this board
and would take quite a longer explanation.
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 11:38:11 -0800
shithead from private IP
Reply #16362378 I think you are probably quite
different taxonomically from most Homo sapiens.
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 11:46:21 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #13106644 I’m also not normal Tosk like
many in Italy. My origins are Gheg and originally and always Catholic not
Orthodox Christian.
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 11:54:55 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #13063788 My great grandparents were also
in Trento since the 1940s and my grandmother’s two older sisters settled
there. One even married a cisalpine man.
After this one guy, I personally would never marry a northerner, but things were
different in the 50s before Umberto Bossi who btw is hilariously married to a
Sicilian who is whiter than him.
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 11:57:57 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #19361405 but this northern guy i know who
i hate is pretty famous online. although a loser in real life who is 40 and
works at a supermarket. despite all that, he is the most handsome man i have
ever seen in my life and i hate to admit it. he needs his teeth fixed though.
eeek. 😦
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 12:00:44 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #14081361 i used to dream him and me would
marry 😅 thankfully i learned he was crazy. he is very very handsome though.
wow. well maybe not at all angles.
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 12:03:24 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #16318379 also Italy made the most
beautiful woman in the world imho Monica Bellucci. I also don’t think she is
ethnic Umbrian. Her surname Bellucci is likely Arbëreshë related to the
Albanian surname Belushi. I also heard once in tv interview she was Arbëreshë.
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 12:06:22 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #16625718 Claudia Cardinale (Sicilian born
in Tunisia) when she was young was extremely beautiful too. I think Sofia Loren
is overrated and she was a homewrecker tbh.
If you want to see recent Miss Italy winners from Sicily there is Giusy Buscemi
and Miriam Leone. Both are pretty white. Then there is Maria Perrusi from
Calabria who I think is prettier than Leone. Miriam Leone is the most popular
Miss Italy winner.
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 12:27:00 -0800
shithead from private IP
Reply #17956793 Spanish chicks are way hotter
than Italian chicks.
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 12:28:12 -0800
shithead from private IP
Reply #12637996
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 12:31:12 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #11929257 no they are not because western
shifted and many berid phenotypes. berid is a common iberian phenotype. in
italy, its usually only found in western sicily and sardinia. actually, its the
main phenotype also of sardinia. italians are eastern shifted clustering with
balkans and hence always more beautiful.
*phenotypes are also subjective and for entertainment purposes and of course
genotype also matters. however, phenotype is usually indicative of genotype.
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 12:32:44 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #15678528 also, do they have players in
spain who look like claudio marchisio or ignazio abate or ciro immobile? or my
favorite baby daddy manuel locatelli? hahahah
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 12:33:14 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #15537056 will they ever have a man who
looks like young Gigi Buffon?
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 12:44:17 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #15646571 spanish and french are basically
the same. just western europeans mixed with so many groups. neither greek nor
germanic. spanish are nothing like us and i would argue they are even closer to
being english and looking english or atlantic because western shifted.
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 12:54:28 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #12625546 also even the darkest person from
andalusia will get 100 percent european on dna test and no west asian,
anatolian, or levantine because they are so western shifted or another
possibility is they are so mixed that the mena is just baked in.
italian will almost never get 100 percent european its usually 90-95 percent
european and 5-10 percent west asian because eastern shifted.
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 12:57:51 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #18087819 celts were originally dark people
too so that may be why spaniards are dark. however, it seems medieval raids and
arab rule did not alter spanish genetics unless again 23andme makes their mena
baked in. on the other hand, the neolithic people who first were in italy were
indeed eastern shifted which is why italian genetics are quite different and
ancient compared to the rest of western europe.
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 13:07:24 -0800
shithead from private IP
Reply #15981964 Stricherin.
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 13:25:27 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #16326816 One final point about Spaniards,
Spaniards are merely an Atlantic people who became latinized via the Romans.
Only Italians have that continuity with Ancient Greece as can be evidenced by
both haplogroups and DNA percentages. Spanish nationalists especially of the
Catalan variety are so desperate to paint Columbus as Spaniard they came up with
a lie he is Sephardic even though no specific markers for Sephardics like there
are for Ashkenazi. Why did they have to create a story that such a Catholic man
of which there is extensive documentation he was from Genoa was Sephardic???
Because they saw he was eastern shifted and haplogroup J2 is rare in Spain
compared to Italy. It’s only at like 8 percent in Spain and goes up to 25
percent in many regions of Italy. In fact, J2 is the second most common
haplogroup in Italy after R1b. It’s important to note that J2 in Italy
predates any Jewish migration as J2 is likely Anatolian in origin. Not to
mention, I don’t even think J2 was one of the more common haplogroups amongst
the Sephardic in Spain. They also had r1b as their most common haplogroup.
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 13:29:41 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #17198782 Not my post, but here is one
compiled by another poster on another forum on the topic so I present as copy
The amount of contemporary evidence for Columbus being Genovese is absolutely
enormous, with testimonies from everywhere. Let's get into business:
Columbus had a meeting with the Catholic Monarchs in 1491, for discussing the
voyage to the Indies. For this kind of business, you had to go through the
Court's registrar, in this case Doctor Lorenzo Galindez de Carvajal, whose short
registry we possess. In that year it is said: Capitulation with Christopher
Columbus, genovese, natural of Savona, for the discovery of the Indies
Angelo Trevisan, secretary to the Venetian ambassador before the Catholic
Monarchs, in the year 1500-1 managed to become a good friend of Chritopher
Columbus, whom he always mentions as
"genovese" (zenovese, in Venetian language).
Thanks to Christopher Columbus, he procured himself a copy of a navigation chart
of the Indies, made in Palos (today Palos de la Frontera). One of the letters
reads: Cristoforo Columbo, zenovese, homo di alta et procera statura, rosso, de
grande inzegno... (Christopher Columbus, genovese, man of remarkable and tall
height, redhead, of great ingenuity)
The ambassador of the Catholic Monarchs before the Court of Henry VII, Ayala,
writes in 1497 a letter to his sovereigns stating that the King of England has
hired a navigator, a certain Cabot, "genovese like Columbus".
Christopher Columbus himself, in a letter from 1501, as a sign of eternal
gratitude, wanted to bequeath 10% of his income from the Indies to the city of
Genoa, and so he instructs his friend Nicoló Oderigo, genovese ambassador, to
sort out the paperwork. Bureaucracy being bureaucracy, they manage to never
respond to Columbus, which lead to Columbus not bequeathing that. This was
cancelled in 1504, in a letter that I translate:
Virtuous sir: When I departed for the voyage from which I now come, I talked to
you for a long time: / think you may recall everything. I thought that when I
would be back, I would find letters from you, and even a person with whom to
speak. In that time I had left to Francesco da Rivarola a copying book of my
letters and another one of my privileges, in a case of red cordovan leather with
a lock made of silver, and two letters to the Office of Saint George, where I
assigned a tenth of my income, discounted the levies on wheat and other
supplies: / did not hear any news of it. Misser Francesco says everything made
it to Genoa. If that is so, it was a great discourtesy not to have answered, and
that is why they are not getting their estate augmented [...]
This Nicolo Oderigo, when writting to Christopher Columbus, always calls him
"amantissimus concivis", which translates as "very beloved concitizen", which is
a clear sign of Oderigo being aware of Columbus' origin.
It is not the only case of Christopher Columbus being straightly related to
Genoa. In his memorial of debts, written in articulo mortis in may 1506, in the
city of Valladolid, he settles some old debts, and all of them are with genovese
people (and with the genovese Bartolomeo Fieschi as witness). The most relevant
part, is that we know the exact nature of two of those debts:
1. A debt with Paolo de Negro and Lodisio Centurione Scotto. This one matches a
debt recognised before a notary in 1478 by a certain Cristoforo Colombo, citizen
of Genoa, aged 27, who was due to depart to Lisbon on the morrow.
2. A debt to Gerolamo da Porto, father of Benedetto da Porto chancellor in
Genoa. This one matches a debt contracted in 1470 by a certain Cristoforo
Colombo, citizen of Genoa, aged 19, son of Domenico Colombo.
Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo, in his General and Natural History of the Indies,
book Il, specifically says the Columbus was from Liguria, though he is not
exactly sure from where, doubting between Savona, Nervi, and Cogoleto. Let's
keep in mind that Gonzalo de Oviedo was raised alongside Christopher Columbus'
sons, and met the man in more than one occasion.
Bartolomé de las Casas, a good friend of Hernando Colón, everywhere mentions
that Columbus was from Genoa. In fact, in several passages he mentions "Antonio
Colombo, Genovese, a relative of the Admiral", because that Antonio is a
recurring character. That Antonio was one of Columbus' cousins.
Diego Colón de Toledo, Ill Admiral of the Indies, when he had to testify his
ancestry in order to get knighted as member of the order of Santiagr
reports this about his grandfather: "He says grandfather was Don Cristóbal
Colón, and that he was Genovese, born in Savona, a town close to Genoa".
There is plenty more evidence from all sorts of contemporaries of Columbus
accrediting he was genovese, including a number of people from Genoa like
Bartolomeo Senarega, Antonio Gallo, and cardinal Giustiniani. Antonio Gallo
would be worth mentioning on its own, as he knew Columbus at a young age, as
both lived in the same street in Genoa. Portuguese sources from the time mention
Columbus as Ligurian, Genovese, or Italian
Oddly enough, the least trustworthy source is Hernando Colón, Columbus' younger
son, who very frequently makes stuff up, including making entirely up his
father's noble ancestry. His father of humble birth, but was relatively rich
thanks in part to his political connections to the Fieschi family. However, at
no point does Hernando deny his father being Genovese, in fact he affirms it at
different points.
The evidence of Columbus being genovese is everywhere, and these examples are
nothing but a few, and as chronologically close to the man as possible.
Being of humble birth was not an insurmountable barrier for marrying a
noblewoman, think of Hernando de Zafra (secretary of the Catholic Monarchs), "of
honest plebeian parents" who married a woman of the house of Ayala, one of the
oldest and most respected lineages in the whole realm of Castile.
Thu, 06 Mar 2025 13:32:09 -0800
zerosugar from private IP
Reply #16469284 Stricherin significa puttana? Non
credo che parli di me. Certo che sono più pulita di te.
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