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Email administrator

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Fri, 02 Feb 2024 08:25:30 -0800
Andy from private IP
On file sharing from Linux servers via Samba

I have my own law firm portal that handles task, time, billing, and file
management.  The only problem is that except for file uploads, which are
allowed, it's read-only for compliance and safety reasons (safety from
accidental file deletion).  I recently re-started my use of Windows File Sharing
via the Samba daemon in order to accommodate one of my Of Counsel attorneys, who
expressed frustration at having no way to organize files on the server (a valid
concern).  The thing about Samba is that it works extremely well when sharing to
a Windows system-- even better than when sharing to a Linux system.  It doesn't
work too well on Mac for technical reasons, so I haven't been using it with the
Macs in the office.  The coolest part about Samba is that you can keep a Word
file on the server and edit it from a Windows computer remotely.  In other
words, you never have to download the file, and the server always will have the
latest version.  You can't do that with a Mac, though-- the file gets corrupted.
 Another great benefit of Samba is that it respects Linux users and groups.  So
you can have file permissions on Linux that are read on a Windows computer, and
it all works.  This is my brief plug for Samba running on a Linux file server--
it's priceless.

Fri, 02 Feb 2024 08:39:24 -0800
Andy from private IP
I'm working on integrating the email server with the file server.  When that
happens, we can say goodbye to manually uploading emails-- all our opposing
counsel emails will be automatically uploaded to the correct file, and we'll see
everyone's communications on the case on a web page.  The prototype is in

Fri, 02 Feb 2024 12:19:31 -0800
Andy from private IP
I put this off for a year, but then it took me all of 30 minutes to do a PHP
IMAP script that fetches emails from everyone's inboxes that were sent to or
from a particular client.  You click the subject line and then are displayed the
message body, as if you were in your email program.  Being cc'ed on every email
is a thing of the past, and this will drastically improve awareness of client
and opposing counsel communications.  Wicked sick.
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