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Tue, 06 Feb 2024 16:41:11 -0800
Andy from
private IP
I did the math and it costs me $9.00 per minute to go to the bathroom
I drink copious amounts of Diet Dr. Pepper and beer, and other beverages at the
office. This results in a fair number of bathroom trips. I calculated that
every time I leave my chair, I'm losing about $9.00 per minute that I could have
spent billing hours on cases (I charge $500 per hour). As I am the business
owner and I cannot pay someone else to do the bathroom trips on my behalf (lol),
effectively it costs me $18.00 every time I go to the bathroom for a #1. For a
#2, it might be as much as $72.00. The bathroom is down the hall and is not
inconvenient, but I still find myself rushing to do my business there because of
efficiency concerns. If I had a catheter or one of those bags that you can buy
for endurance racing, I would save a lot of money from the #1 trips. Nothing I
can do about #2, haha. If I have a restroom installed in my office at a cost of
approximately $10,000.00, I assess that it would take only 69.5 business days to
break even through the time savings from not having to walk down the hall every
time I feel the need. Should I do it?
Tue, 06 Feb 2024 16:43:34 -0800
from private IP
Your job sounds hellish. I don't get paid nearly as much but I barely work.
Tue, 06 Feb 2024 16:45:37 -0800
Andy from
private IP
My job is hellish from the bathroom visit perspective, however, this is as good
as it gets in terms of how I wanted to practice law. I have my own law firm and
a great office, and it's all going well. That's all I can really ask for,
complaints aside.
Tue, 06 Feb 2024 19:09:25 -0800
whiteguyinchina from private IP
andy man, thank you so much for bringing this website back. and please do not
let the insane people get too crazy and ruin it for everyone.
as for your poast, i no way shape or form believe you don't actually bill for
your toilet time. after all, you are probably surfing case decisions whilst
defecating. if a lawyer bro bills me for having a conversation at a conference
he had with someone in 15 minute increments, i think you reading files on the
toilet more than qualifies as billable time.
Tue, 06 Feb 2024 19:18:05 -0800
Andy from
private IP
🤣🤣🤣 I'm dying here, bro, welcome back!!!!!
Tue, 06 Feb 2024 19:28:44 -0800
cowgod from
private IP
A diaper could easily solve this imo
Tue, 06 Feb 2024 19:30:35 -0800
Andy from
private IP
A diaper wouldn't work for me-- but a throne with built-in plumbing from which
to issue infallible decrees while crapping would do it.
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