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Wed, 07 Feb 2024 09:48:06 -0800
DSE from private
The Border: An Abject Failure of Federalism
Ya'll like my pretentious law journal-like title?
For one, what abbott is doing is fantastic. Spread the pain far and wide, and
especially to those smug cities that deified themselves with "sanctuary" status.
It doesn't matter if abbott is doing it for political points, nobody cares! It
also shows the burden the border statues have been shouldering for a long time.
So now NYC and new york state is crying foul and the the fed govt be like, haha
don't care!
The states are left to deal with the shitshow of federal immigration policy. The
feds are fine with the status quo. The states are powerless to change it due to
pre-emption. The "blue" states sit smugly by and bleat about being welcoming to
all and score political points. Texas got sick of it and sends them north. Now
NYC et al are asking for handous and blowing their budgets up. States are
clearly conflicting with each other and the fed govt just sits on their hands.
It's really too bad. Guess there is a bill now in Congress to deal with this but
of course it's loaded with more $$$$$$ to Israhell and Ukraine lolol.
For this situation to bleed as it is, i've concluded that this is federal labor
policy in action. Kinda like how the Fed Reserve fucks with interest rates?
Well, the fed fucks with the border to reach it's labor policy goals.
Wed, 07 Feb 2024 09:52:08 -0800
Andy from
private IP
You are a keen and astute observer, and you speak the truth. I'm not sure I
agree with Abbott on really anything, but at least he has a rational basis to
take up his cause when the Constitution states the Federal government shall
protect the states, and it isn't doing so. Can the Federal government waive its
right to preempt by doing nothing?
Wed, 07 Feb 2024 10:11:24 -0800
from private IP
I'm reminded of the Parable of the Flamethrower, in which Are Lord Jesus
patrolled the Judean border on his duty dinosaur, armed with flamethrower for
use on illegal immigrant children from Samaria.
Wed, 07 Feb 2024 11:01:15 -0800
DSE from private
Oh, of course "wont someone think of the children"
The cartels and traffickers certainly do! It's easy pickings all the way from
Venezuela to NYC.
Wed, 07 Feb 2024 11:08:52 -0800
private IP
None of this matters anymore. It’s much much too late for circumspection.
It’s already all baked in the cake. The end of the nation state.
I tried warning everyone in 2009 that we were betrayed and the Central banks
with their unlimited emission of fiat joo confetti was going to ultimately lead
to collapse. Who cares about LAW when u can print money? We are all bearing
witness to the consequences of this nefarious folly.
The irony is,….these are the good times !!
Buckle up!! We going through the gate of the 4th Turning soon enough!!!1111
Wed, 07 Feb 2024 11:13:49 -0800
from private IP
@shitheadTest how many immigrants have U invited in2 ur home?????
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