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Wed, 07 Feb 2024 23:36:07 -0800

shithead from private IP /all I travel with a Siamese Cat. He's on his sixth country now. We've roadtripped through over a dozen of the United States, seven Mexican states, and then Portugal, Morocco, France, and Spain, where we are right now. Cats are Genies. _reply Thu, 08 Feb 2024 05:59:14 -0800
Andy from private IP /all How is he with rats and mice? _reply Thu, 08 Feb 2024 07:58:31 -0800
shithead from private IP /all Deadly. He stalks and kills everything smaller than him. At my place in Portugal, I had to get rid of my hummingbird feeder, because he learned that this was a hunting spot and kept Destroying the hummingbirds. _reply Thu, 08 Feb 2024 18:28:39 -0800
whiteguyinchina from private IP /all Within hours, cats will start to eat your face, especially the eyeballs, if you cease moving. Which is what I suspect shithead would do as well. Weird bird. _reply Thu, 08 Feb 2024 20:39:49 -0800
shithead from private IP /all If they are hungry. The family cat isn't going to start devouring its people if it has proper catfood in its bowl. _reply Thu, 08 Feb 2024 23:17:48 -0800
Andy from private IP /all @shitheadTest Do you like your new avatar? I'm dying to know. Let me know if you want something other than "attractive librarian." _reply Fri, 09 Feb 2024 01:21:32 -0800
shithead from private IP /all It pleases me.
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