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Fri, 16 Feb 2024 16:20:16 -0800

whiteguyinchina from private IP /all Angela Chao, Mitch McConnel's SIL, is dead Angela Chao, C.E.O. of Family’s Shipping Company, Is Dead at 50 Ms. Chao, whose sister Elaine Chao was President Trump’s secretary of transportation, led Foremost Group, operator of a global fleet of freighters. She died in a car crash. Her TESLA^TM backed into a lake and she drowned (?). This may be the first case - but definitely not the last - of a person being 'TESLA'D'. Discuss. Wily, do not discuss. _reply Fri, 16 Feb 2024 16:24:16 -0800
zerosugar from private IP /all That's super sad. Short life. She was an attractive lady married to two men who seemed wealthy, but were way less than hot. I hope she had a cute guy on the side at least. I guess billions can make somebody hot though. _reply Fri, 16 Feb 2024 16:24:30 -0800
whiteguyinchina from private IP /all @Jkylebass ‼️ Angela Chao’s death at a private Texas ranch in Blanco, County is suspicious. ‼️ Chao entered her Tesla and backed into a pond on the ranch and passed away. Chao, almost certainly a high-ranking member of the Communist Parry of China (she sat the board of state-owned... _reply Fri, 16 Feb 2024 16:29:50 -0800
tcow from private IP /all i know johnson city, texas very well. i imagine that any sort of electronically navigated vehicle would not fare well on any of the ritzier properties out that way for lack of appropriate mapping, especially on private property. that said, tesla autopilot has killed a few other people. _reply Fri, 16 Feb 2024 16:31:27 -0800
tcow from private IP /all then again, i tend to be mistrustful of media reports on strange circumstance deaths of wealthy people. _reply Fri, 16 Feb 2024 16:32:22 -0800
Wily from private IP /all I bought a lot of TSLA at $112 at its last dip. Also bought a lot of NIO and it kept dipping haha
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