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Sat, 17 Feb 2024 04:59:35 -0800
Andy from
private IP
The Scarlet Letter / Kookoo for Cocoa Puffs
I brought in a new divorce case recently where something is wrong with the
husband, who is doing stuff like posting leaflets/flyers around their
neighborhood stating that his wife is cheating-- and with whom. According to
her (my client), he regularly tells her that he wants her to die, and he wants
to drop everything and move to the East Coast and will basically never see the
kids again. The couple are high earners with substantial property. I just
thought I would post this to indicate that there is a randomness to these cases,
and my practice, that is unpredictable. This one is sad, and slightly amusing.
It reminds me of a case I had in 2007 where my client was leafleting outside the
opposing attorney's office calling him corrupt and a bunch of other things. My
client got slammed by the Court of Appeal in that case, to the point where he
was in tears. I just think it's interesting how I'm now on the other side of
one of those cases. What do leaflets accomplish, anyway? Today's web pages are
yesterday's leaflets, I guess. What prompts someone to post leaflets about
cheating? To be driven to that point must take a lot of provocation or a lot of
Sat, 17 Feb 2024 07:05:30 -0800
kickflipninja from private IP
People are strange. A crazier lawyer than you would put a camera in their house
to see wtf is really going on behind those closed doors.
Sat, 17 Feb 2024 07:45:43 -0800
from private IP
lol I have to laugh at this, but I’m sure if I were the wife, it wouldn’t be
so funny. People who fall out of love with their partners often feel immense
guilt as it is and if you couple that with the husband telling the whole
neighborhood, this woman must feel lousy. I hope he can move on and get another
woman if he already hasn’t found somebody. I am guessing he still doesn’t
have another woman and is really hurt and this is the reason for the leaflets.
The best thing for a divorce to move smoothly is when they find another partner
and want the divorce fast to remarry somebody else.
Sat, 17 Feb 2024 07:49:09 -0800
from private IP
Another possible reason is he knows a divorce is imminent and wants to get
people on his side. He may be afraid for his finances. Most states are no fault
states though now. Illinois became one in 2016 when all fault based grounds were
eliminated. I hope he gets another gf fast.
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