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Wed, 27 Mar 2024 01:15:40 -0700

Andy from private IP /all The first judicial officer in my Hall of Shame I finally had enough of this vindictive, malicious, and evil judge. The write-up is going to take me a while, so I started with the transcripts of hearings. Yesterday's hearing was insane, no joke. https://www.andrewwatters.com/hall-of-shame/chinhayi-cadet/ #LawFirm _reply Wed, 27 Mar 2024 18:29:36 -0700
Andy from private IP /all I've had a chance to reflect on this overnight, and my decision remains the same: she belongs in my Hall of Shame. I've already gotten praise from people who have seen this so far, and I intend to proceed. _reply Wed, 27 Mar 2024 19:30:09 -0700
whiteguyinchina from private IP /all i read those transcripts. clearly she is prejudiced against your client, but there is context missing. what criminal case does she have pending? anyway, looking forward to the write up. _reply Wed, 27 Mar 2024 22:01:34 -0700
Andy from private IP /all I'm taking the draft down in order to make it more complete, including the context and backstory. Thanks for your feedback. _reply Wed, 27 Mar 2024 22:34:53 -0700
zerosugar from private IP /all I did not get a chance to fully read the transcripts, but I am really sorry she treated your client so unfairly. By her picture, she looks mean. I do however disagree with what you previously wrote about it being surprising that somebody with her good academic background can be such a terrible person. I had some awful professors with similar backgrounds. I just worry that she may see your post one day and you may have to go in front of her again. Don’t let her troll you. _reply Wed, 27 Mar 2024 22:53:18 -0700
zerosugar from private IP /all I also met the weirdest Harvard Law grad recently. Just another person who is good at test taking and got lucky. They devoted their late teens and early 20s to prepping for a career in law. lol. I guess I can respect that, but I just do not get it. Certainly not my story. _reply Thu, 28 Mar 2024 07:56:14 -0700
whiteguyinchina from private IP /all i have no doubt what you say is correct andy, but from the transcripts from waht i recall she only allowed eight hours once a week vs eight hours three times a week, and did not allow home visitations. and she kind of snapped at you for offering to accompany the other party to fill out the form. because the context of the criminal case is not known, her reasons could have been totally reasonable for being strict with your client. and as for not allowing you to accompany him to fill out the form, honestly it was kind of an odd request. surely made out of good will, but it could have been taken wrongly. would you have allowed your client to fill to fill out a form with the help of the opposing counsel? you would probably feel uncomfortable about that. anyway post more details. _reply Thu, 28 Mar 2024 07:58:49 -0700
Andy from private IP /all @whiteguyinchinaTest I do need to add important context for the reasons you indicated. Tuesday's appearance was batshit insane, showing the need to wait for the transcript to put up the whole page, so that people know where I am coming from. Because without that, people could think I'm going overboard when calling her vindictive, malicious, and evil. Lol. In all fairness, I also have an appearance in a different case next week, and I want to see how that goes before fully passing judgment. _reply Thu, 28 Mar 2024 08:03:03 -0700
Andy from private IP /all The problem with the judge's comment that "I've never seen that request before" is that she had been in family law for about four months at that point, versus myself at eighteen years in this field. It's not an unreasonable request for a 18-year lawyer to make sure the form gets filed so that everyone doesn't have to wait for the guy to figure it out himself, thereby saving time for the court, parties, and counsel. The fact that the judge perceived this as an inappropriate request and purported to order me to stay in the courtroom, and then said she had never seen that request before, is concerning. _reply Fri, 05 Apr 2024 13:29:57 -0700
Andy from private IP /all This Hall of Shame post is going to be epic. No joke. _reply Fri, 31 May 2024 23:28:27 -0700
Andy from private IP /all Here is the start, note the quotes from other lawyers. https://www.andrewwatters.com/hall-of-shame/chinhayi-cadet/
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