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Sun, 29 Sep 2024 11:08:47 -0700
marlon from private IP
my sister is bad at cleaning our mom
Our mom is paralyzed from a stroke years ago, & she wears a diaper.
And i watch her on a baby-cam, from my room.
my sister is caregiver. A slow stupid bitch.
she wipes her butt one or twice with a rag, that is it.
Even if a shit stain on the rag, i can see that.
Should i complain w/ Adult Protective Services?
Sun, 29 Sep 2024 12:18:01 -0700
zerosugar from private IP
being a caregiver is rough, but i’m sure your mom appreciates what you both do
for her or try to do even if she doesn’t say. was your name previously
“plumber” on jdu? i recall he was a caregiver for a family member.
Sun, 29 Sep 2024 12:32:10 -0700
zerosugar from private IP
i think you should get your mom one of those bidet attachments you put on the
toilet. with one switch she can be clean. that will help immensely and save
money on toilet paper. if you don’t know how to install it, call a plumber but
its pretty straight forward. don’t call on your sister. she may be all your
mom has.
Sun, 29 Sep 2024 14:57:44 -0700
Andy from private IP
This is a great product that we use here:
Sun, 29 Sep 2024 17:12:59 -0700
marlon from private IP
the bidet sounds good but my mom gets her diaper changed on the bed.
She last had a bath in 2018. My offer to help is always shot down.
Let to my own devices, i would be sure she had a scrub-a-dub bath every day,
but my sister is an argumentative bitch, & control freak.
Sun, 29 Sep 2024 18:30:08 -0700
zerosugar from private IP
Bidet is great for elderly who still use the toilet. Even for times they can’t
make it to the toilet on time, the bidet makes cleaning a lot easier. You remove
the diaper wipe them off good, sit them on the toilet, and the bidet does the
rest to clean areas that most caregivers miss. If she doesn’t get to the
restroom at all, another option would be to buy perhaps in bulk some good
organic hypo allergenic wet wipes as well as some gloves. The gloves can make it
easier to clean her when messier accidents happen. There is also a good spray
that they have in hospitals that the nurses use which can maybe be purchased.
The foam listed here is really good to wash all over for the bedridden. Calling
adult protect be services can make situations worse. I know this older nosey
attorney lady who called on her brother. Her brother was single and lived with
his mother. He was the caregiver, but went clubbing a lot too. This lady called.
Then her mom got thrown in a home and she couldn’t get her out and the mom
ended up dying of covid in a facility. Old folks homes are terrible and they
even house mentally ill criminal minded young people there now in since long
term psychiatric units are a thing of the past. It’s always best for an
elderly person to be in their own home even if the child caregivers aren’t the
best. Elderly get used to one person and then tend to not like another helping
them. Those nurses at facilities do even worse jobs than the families do. Keep
in mind, there are caregiving agencies who can come to the house for times you
and your sibling need a break. I worked for years with this Romanian lady at her
caregiving agency which provided in home care. Some of these Romanians
caregivers do great work.
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