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Thu, 03 Oct 2024 17:42:24 -0700
marlon from private IP
may have Nigerian roots
my sister says 4% of our DNA is Nigerian.
this disturbs me, wonder from which side, mom or dad?
Fri, 04 Oct 2024 14:36:53 -0700
whiteguyinchina from private IP
That's cool. That technically makes you African American doesn't it? I would
claim that hard. People who are 4% native American claim that all the time, like
I'm 2% arawak from my grandma's side. This might make you mysterious and
possibly get you laid.
Fri, 04 Oct 2024 16:16:34 -0700
marlon from private IP
naw i'm too white to be cool. my face has Slav features from my dad's side.
Those guys mixed w/ Turks, and the arabs had black slaves.
my mom is at least 25% native american, she is white as me, but her mom was
kinda dark. sometimes her family mixed w/ blacks.
so, it's a toss up.
Tue, 08 Oct 2024 23:14:21 -0700
zerosugar from private IP
Ancestry and MyHeritage are not very accurate and do not even give haplogroups.
You should try 23andme if you want to know more accurate regions. It pinpoints
out not just countries, but even regions and ethnic groups without those
I was excited to get my haplogroups. I had to test my father too though because
I am a woman, but men get both their paternal and maternal. Anyway, my maternal
haplogroup is HV0a and my paternal is E-V13. I didn’t really have any
surprises ans I know exactly what I am, aside from some trace Mongolian which I
found bizarre, but I guess it makes sense.
Wed, 09 Oct 2024 21:32:59 -0700
marlon from private IP
glad u said u r a woman. strange how u know exactly what u r, must be nice.
Down's Syndrome is big on my father's side. . I wonder why
Never having kids
Thu, 10 Oct 2024 13:27:30 -0700
zerosugar from private IP
@marlonTest Most users of MyHeritage and Ancestry report a
percentage of SSA, usually Nigerian. I do not know a lot about their testing to
give an answer. 23andMe gives medical testing too. I am thankful I did not have
any of the variants for illnesses they test for, but if I did, I would go get
medical intervention.
My background is fairly simple which is why I know where I am from. My mother
was born in Italy (mainland) and all 4 of my grandparents are also Italian. I
know about the various ethnic groups that made up Italy so I sort of had an idea
of my percentages already.
However, I am a little unique being that I am partially Arbereshe (medieval
Albanian ethnic minority in Italy). I am speficially Gheg Catholic rather than
Tosk Orthodox like other Arbereshe. As a result, I had elevated Balkan on my
23andme. Keep in mind, mnedieval Albanians did not have the Ottoman influence of
the modern Albanians, neither culturally nor ethnically nor linguistically hence
the differences between Arbereshe dialects vs modern Albanian. As a result of
being Arbreshe, I have a higher percentage of European and less WANA results
than many Italians. I got 95 percent European. Then again, I am also from two
isolated mountain communities in Italy. People from coastal areas may get less
European. Note, I shouldn't even say WANA, but simply West Asian. I have looked
at result after result of Italians from all over and contrary to Quentin
Tarantino, we have no sub Saharan. It's even rare to get North African even for
Southerners despite geographic proximity. The "exotic" ancestry Italians have is
mostly Northwestern Asian and more minor contributions from the Levant. Northern
Italians have less Eastern groups and more Southwestern European, again
clustering with Spanish and Southern French so we are not so much
southern/northern divided as Americans foolishly believe and even as many
ignorant Italians believe. Rather, we are eastern/western divided genetically. I
rather be more eastern shifted. Pavarotti had a very Spanish look IMHO and is
northern Italian. I will consider him northern as Modena is nearly two hours
north of Florence which IMHO is still central.
I became interested in genetics after numerous debates with a famous crazy
Lombard blogger. Before I knew he was crazy and before I heavily researched him,
I thought he was handsome minus his bad teeth so I reached out when I found out
he was 40 and single and lived with his mom and worked at a supermarket. I
figured he would be easy, but no. This guy is nuts and proud af of clustering
with Spanish and Southern French. How humiliating. He wishes to be German and
gives the false narrative that Southern Italians who he calls Ausonics consider
him a German. His surname is Italian and he does not belong to any ethnic
minorities in places such as Sud Tirol. My mom's cousin was actually married to
a man who did have a German surname and was from Sud Tirol. On the other hand,
this crazy blogger is just Italian! He himself admits Germans left little to no
genetic traces in Italy. My mom's surname supposedly has Swabian origins (as yes
Germanic groups down south too), but again, Germans left little no no genetic
traces in Italy.
I also just figured out AI is so incredibly limited in interpreting genetic
results as well and knows zero about haplogroups. I hope AI will eventually
become more versed in genetics. AI confuses haplogroup HV0 with HV4. Looks like
scientists will keep their jobs.
This study linked below really interested me and made sense to me. I am shocked
that AI has not yet summarized it. I am not Sicilian, but find it interesting
that HV0 survived in the Lombard outpost of Enna, Sicily. Tests also need to be
done in Benevento and Salerno in Campania which are former Lombard colonies.
I tried to show the Lombard guy the link below about my maternal haplogroup and
the fact that I got 95 percent European. He was trying to claim Southerners get
in the range of 75-85 percent, but he just didn't want to hear it. lol. I really
believe my mom's town was settled by some different people in since its just a
place of large land owners and large farm after farm.
Fig 2 localizes the distribution of the major HV*(xH,V) lineages in Italy, with
36 sample sites distributed all over the peninsula and major islands and more
than 1,000 individuals screened (S3 Table). Major trends are distinguishable:
HV0 appeared to have higher frequencies in Northern Italy, with the exception of
Enna, in Sicily. Conversely, HV4, HV* and HV-73 were more frequent in Southern
Thu, 10 Oct 2024 13:40:34 -0700
zerosugar from private IP
Hehheehe some say Monica Bellucci is Arbereshe. She was born in Umbria (Central
Italy), but I knew she had roots down south. I know her surname is an Arbereshe
one possibly related to the surname Belushi. Either way, she looks totally
Fri, 11 Oct 2024 07:10:57 -0700
zerosugar from private IP
You can also download your raw dna and put it into gedmatch and see which
populations you are closest to. Some of the tests on fed match aren’t perfect,
but it’s still interesting.
Fri, 11 Oct 2024 07:11:30 -0700
zerosugar from private IP
lol so crazy gedmatch autocorrected to fed match.
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