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Zerosugar - why did italy turn into a shit country after being a beacon of civilization (85) whiteguyinchina from private IP, post #17216898 - Mon, 27 Jan 2025 20:18:21 -0800
./posts/all/1738037901-177.txt:Reply #12325348 I loved hearing Jimmy Carter’s black pastor tell the story about how he took him to this grave of this black man and told him that this was the man who taught him about Jesus and I love how Carter wanted this man to know how black people were consequential to his life. It’s so nice when a person of Northern European descent (especially a southerner) like Carter understands how important it is for other people to be proud too and not feel like we are meaningless human trash from shit countries. You guys have the Founding Fathers and Vikings and whatever else you guys are proud of… well us lesser whites and nonwhites also deserve to be proud of our own people. I love that Carter made it a point to tell his black pastor that it was another black man who led him to Christ.