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How long is Zelensky for this earth? (130) whiteguyinchina from private IP, post #12782767 - Wed, 19 Feb 2025 09:46:15 -0800
./posts/all/1739987175-139.txt:Reply #16353244 99 percent of jews are liberal on every issue except israel’s borders. remember that. kushner and his family are perfect examples of that. they are democrats and only joined forces with trump for israel’s borders. i can at least respect kushner if he was open and acknowledged his racism. if he practiced endogamy instead of forcing his beliefs onto a woman of beautiful catholic czech origins named ivanka who abandoned her lord and savior for money and ignored when her son was born on easter day. if this woman respected her mother who was such a beautiful religious woman, she would have picked a suitable compatible mate or just remained single. if she was going to marry a person of a different ethnicity, then marry somebody who respects your differences. i walked away from a guy who was trying to change me. i preferred to be alone than change myself.