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How long is Zelensky for this earth? (130) whiteguyinchina from private IP, post #12782767 - Wed, 19 Feb 2025 09:46:15 -0800
./posts/all/1739987175-139.txt:Reply #17844905 I know this guy Dave Root who is a retired USDA agent out of Virginia. I interviewed him once for a paper I wrote years agp. Anyway, this dude (while seemingly nice to people one on one) is some psycho pro Ukraine advocate now who posts nonstop about Ukraine. One day, somebody commented him he was nuts and influenced by a woman he met online in Ukraine. I noticed he does travel nonstop to Eastern Europe trying to get women. He will post himself eating a salad in Eastern Europe acting like it's an awakening of his taste buds. hahahah. The guy has to be in his 70s. lol. He started accusing me and anybody else who challenges his views on Facebook of spreading pro Russian propaganda.