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These countries will pay you up to $90,000 to move there right now (27) whiteguyinchina from private IP, post #13626279 - Sun, 24 Nov 2024 08:51:47 -0800
./posts/all/1732467107-117.txt:Reply #18118770 Another interesting thing about the Italian villages is that even many migrants and refugees do not want to stay there long term so imagine American or other Westerners. I spoke to an Afghan English speaking old guy who briefly stayed in a neighboring village and then joined his daughter in Sweden. Even he found the Italian small town life humdrum. There have been several Africans come and go throughout the years. A woman in my town who recently died was also married to a Morrocan guy. This Moroccan guy was in the village since before I was a kid. Up until I was 21, I didn't even know he was Moroccan as he speaks the dialect perfectly and just looks like a white guy with big dark hair. One day in the bar, this man called him a Moroccan and I initially thought he was joking, but it turned out he was really Moroccan. Even my mom was shocked as he had been in the village since she was young as well. Just a dude who was always in front of the bar. He had been in our village since he was in his 20s. As soon as his wife died, he moved back to Morocco. He was in his late 40s or 50s at this point. He comes back from time to time, but is mostly in Morocco now. In Rabat to be precise. We connect from time to time on FB and he also invited me out there, but yeah he is also just looking for a hookup. People mistake kindness as interest.