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Zerosugar - why did italy turn into a shit country after being a beacon of civilization (85) whiteguyinchina from private IP, post #17216898 - Mon, 27 Jan 2025 20:18:21 -0800
./posts/all/1738037901-177.txt:Reply #19163895 also if nobody sees nothing else, here are my historical matches. i know some stormfront users want to claim that us modern italians are such shit, we can't have crap to do with ancient rome or we must be the descendants of non european slaves in imperial rome. however, here are my historical matches. I GET IRON AGE ROME. I HAVE ROOTS GOING WAY BACK TO NEARLY PREHISTORIC TIMES. SORRY. I ALSO DID NOT GET MATCHES IN MIDDLE EAST OR AFRICA OR ANYWHERE ELSE. SORRY NORDICISTS OF THE INTERNET.