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Childless married people (20) whiteguyinchina from private IP, post #16651282 - Fri, 29 Nov 2024 06:03:11 -0800
./posts/all/1732888991-132.txt:Reply #19166233 I'm missing the kids gene. Don't have them, don't want them, never did. I like kids fine, I spoil the heck out of my nieces and nephews, and like hanging out with them. But when Christmas / the movie / dinner is over, they leave. And that's delightful. Through my 20's and most of my 30's, not having kids let me pick up and go on tour with the band whenever I wanted to. No fuss, no babysitter, no complaining. I think it's a little insulting when folks hit me with the notion that there must be something wrong with me / us. Don't feel sorry for me, I still see Pixar movies and go the amusement park, I just don't have to worry about little monsters tagging along.