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Health Insurance Co CEO asassinated in NY (27) whiteguyinchina from private IP, post #17797443 - Thu, 05 Dec 2024 22:36:07 -0800
./posts/all/1733466967-118.txt:Reply #19516182 they also found new pics of him. the thing is I think it will be hard to find this guy. there is really nothing distinguishing about him. he looks like a slim tall guy with dark hair and dark eyes. that really does not narrow it down. no moles or visible tattoos or rare features like grey eyes or red hair. what I mean is, he has a pretty common look and appears almost ethnically ambiguous. he could be white (European origin), but he could also be Hispanic or Arab. I also wonder if he was sent, sort of like a hitman. I also think an investigation would have to look into recent denials.