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Zerosugar - why did italy turn into a shit country after being a beacon of civilization (85) whiteguyinchina from private IP, post #17216898 - Mon, 27 Jan 2025 20:18:21 -0800
./posts/all/1738037901-177.txt:Reply #19708757 Italy under Berlusconi was also starting to get strong in the early 10s. Sadly, people vote for bad politicians. Berlusconi was a crappy Lombard too, but at least he was not a racist and was genuinely a smart business man. I hate Lega. I don't buy their reforms. They are racists. Matteo Salvini talks about Neopolitans smelling. Hilariously, he looks Saudi Arabian. Giorgia Meloni who is half Sicilian and half Sardinian ethnically with NO blood from the Peninsula looks whiter than him. A white supremacist stormfront loser made this video, but I love this video because it gives northerners a taste of their own medicine. I hated Renzi too though.