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New creative writing posted (3) Andy from private IP, post #10209510 - Tue, 18 Feb 2025 22:37:49 -0800
./posts/all/1739947069-146.txt:Reply #19820356 I'm sick with the flu and cannot sleep, so I re-read my story Angelus again. Damn, that's a fine piece of work. I was especially pleased that there were no typos in it, which is surprising considering that I wrote it in one sitting over a couple hours. I know it's not normal to be able to write this level of story in two to three hours, so I'm very grateful for this gift. I wish there were a way I could make movies out of these stories I write, but it's simply impossible. Nobody in the film industry cares about no-name hobbyist writers without a track record. Hollywood is ripe for disruption in that regard.